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We waited in Strange's living room. Most of us were sat on the couches and chairs but some including the very worried Peter, Nat, and Cap were all standing. I was sat down. It all felt like a daze. So much has happened in so little time. She must have a death wish.

I tried to help Peter calm down but he kept asking "what would I tell Ned? Oh yeah, coincidentally the same day that Iron Tiger died so did Lana while we were back in America". He was so worried and I felt so bad.

I was also mad.

For a genius, she sure isn't too bright on when there's a trap. Unless she knew and was trying to make her own smart way in but lost.

I heard footsteps pacing back and forth and looked up to see Peter pacing from the door to the back of the room. He was pulling at his hair as he ran his hand through his hair. He was mumbling to himself the entirety of the time.

When all of a sudden the door to the living room opened and Wanda smiled lightly at everyone.

Was that a smile of remorse or of happiness?

I had no clue.

I scrunched up my face in confusion as Pietro squeezed my hand tightly. I turned and looked at him.

When I heard Peter ask "is she okay?".

I closed my eyes tightly in anticipation for a negative answer.

Instead of hearing a no Wanda said "Peter, Winona, and Nat please follow me."

I opened my eyes and stood up quickly following behind Peter who was following behind Nat and Wanda.

As the door shut Wanda stopped walking and turned to look at us as she said: "this is very serious."

My eyes filled with concern as Nat asked: "what happened?".

Wanda smiled brightly and said "we saved her. Only one of you can go in and see her at a ti-".

Before Wanda could finish Peter ran down the hall.

I began to blink in astonishment and said: "guess we figured out who was going first".

I turned to look at Nat but she was gone and I looked down the hall to see her running after Peter as she yelled: "there is no way you are going to see her before me spider boy!".

I chuckled a bit and said "we're dysfunctional. That's why I love you all though".

Wanda chuckled and said "well, let's head down. It doesn't seem like they're going to listen to what I said anyways".

I nodded and then asked, "wait, are you going to tell the others she's alright too?".

Wanda shrugged and said "after you all see her. She requested to see you three herself. Of course, she said it more like a mumble because her voice is still weak but, she said your names."

I smiled. At least she didn't forget about me.

We made it to Strange's library where she was in a chair with a blanket.

She was upright and Peter and Nat were talking to her in a jumbled mess.

Wanda and I headed over and stood in front of her.

Her smile only widened as she asked Nat "Нэт, где остальная часть команды?".

Granted I understood not one word she said.

Nat responded "Они ждут тебя. Все беспокоились, мой железный котенок".

Again leaving me in the dark as Lana said "Хорошо, Nat".

Finally one word or name? That I could actually understand.

I looked at Wanda and she whispered to me, "they're speaking Russian, I don't know Russian myself I just know that Lana's last sentence meant Okay, Nat".

I nodded and smiled.

I heard Lana ask "Winona, could you go bring everyone here fast?".

I again nodded and said, "you can count on me!".

I ran back to the waiting room passing by Strange, Banner, and Stark while they discussed something. I got to the room and told everyone to follow me.

When we had finally gotten back I showed Lana everyone was there and she said "моя семья". She smiled and everyone began questioning her and yelling at her, it was a giant mess until she cleared the misconception up.

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