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"Hanging out with my friends today?" I asked FRIDAY as I sat in my desk hammock.

I was in denial as FRIDAY said back to me "yes Ms. Stark, your friends Ned Leeds and Peter Parker".

I rolled my eyes as I asked: "when did I make these plans?" FRIDAY told me "last Saturday Ms. Stark. You and Peter Parker had made these plans while you were in the midst of a research session".

I sighed as I queried "does Peter remember?". Instead of her responding with her own words I heard my voicemail go off.

It began "you have three new messages, from Pete".

Then she stopped my voicemail and asked: "does that answer your question Ms.?".

I mumbled, "yes, that suffices FRIDAY".

She stated afterward "very well Ms. Stark. You should begin to get ready".

I sighed extra loud again and called out to FRIDAY as I asked: "what's the weather like today?".

FRIDAY responded with her new update of sarcasm that I added: "like it always is Ms. Stark".

I snapped at the robot "hey! That sarcasm was to humor me. Not to mock me! I could always take it away FRIDAY!".

FRIDAY didn't respond for a second probably choosing her program carefully before quietly responding "yes Ms. Stark" and signing out.

I chuckled to myself. My programming made a sarcastic robot. I'm so proud.

I got out of my hammock and got into a pair of blue skinny jeans and a pale pink shoulder top.

I brushed out my hair and used a bit of chapstick to unchap my horrible lips that I haven't taken care of since the last formal event.

I put on my usual high tops and went to the door. I turned right around and grabbed my phone as I told FRIDAY I was leaving to meet up with them.

I had made it to Parker's house and knocked on the door. I'm old fashioned like that. That, being some of my friend's choices to break into my home to say hi when they feel like it.

I waited for a few seconds and the door finally opened when Parker called "I'll be right back Ned! It might be Aunt May!".

When the door finally swung open I greeted Parker asking "do I really look that old Parker?".

Peter laughed and said awkwardly "uh no, sorry I wasn't expecting you to actually show up".

I raised an eyebrow at his reasoning and asked "expecting I wasn't going to show up, or hoping? I mean, I don't have to be here. I could be on a date at the moment. I turned it down for this though...".

Peter's eyes widened and he questioned me "really? It was that important to you?".

I rolled my eyes and flicked Parker's forehead with my fingers before saying "no you doof. You should know I don't go on dates. I was just relaxing when FRIDAY reminded me. It would be nice to have some people to hang out with today. Especially two of my good friends".

Peter smiled a toothy grin and stepped out of the doorway letting me enter the house.

As soon as I got into the house fully Peter shut the door and we headed to his room. I opened his bedroom door and saw Ned sitting on Peter's bed. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to Ned as he greeted me.

I greeted him back with a "sup' Ned?".

Ned shrugged and said "nothing much. You?".

I smirked a bit and said, "just came over to hang with you guys".

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