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"Get in, we have to talk twinkle toes."

I turned to look at the person sitting by the window staring at me from behind his black sunglasses. Squinting more I ducked and asked, "Mr. Stark?"

He tilted his glasses forwards and said, "I said get in."

I shook my head and said, "you can't make me get in."

Mr. Stark disagreed as he said; "get in."

I rolled my eyes and started to continue to walk when I felt something cold hit my neck. I turned around and Stark said, "get in or I will adjust the transmitters wave frequency to its highest level. It will feel something like sitting in an electric chair."

I gave him a concerned but slightly offended look as I told him, "listen up old man!" I started walking towards him with my finger up and he hit a button. Big mistake. I felt a small jolt and laughed at him. Until he twisted the left side of the box. I didn't feel anything before I dropped to the ground in pain with electricity coursing through my veins.

I yelled out in pain before the electricity stopped leaving me a bit in pain and paralyzed. Some big dude got out of the car and picked me up and put me in the back of the car. As my back hit the back of the seat I yelled, "son of a waffle hut!"

Mr. Stark asked; "son of a what?" before he began laughing softly with a drink in hand.

When the car started moving the doors locked and Mr. Stark began talking; "listen and listen to me well twinkle toes. I need to recruit you for something very... very... very important. Understand?"

I started feeling my body tingle meaning I was finally getting feeling back. I sat up straight as I rubbed the circulation back into my wrists and popped my back. After I straightened out I asked, "what?"

Lana's P.O.V.:

It was the next morning and I was still so tired. However, that was not the case with Winona... or Pietro.

I heard a loud yelp beside my bed as I opened my eyes slightly and saw Winona doing the split with a breakfast plate above her head and her eyes wide.

I closed my eyes at first and then opened them and threw my covers off. I gripped the plate and placed it down on the bedside table before helping Winona up.

When she was fully stood she smiled and said, "let's go eat I brought the food in to wake you up with a good smell! Pietro cooked."

I smiled slightly and checked the time as I yelled, "oh for fluffs sakes! I'm going to be late for work!" I looked around for my phone. The phone that I set up my alarm on.

It was gone.

I flipped out I ran around the house looking for it.

First of all my phone had all of my connections on it.

Second, Peter was supposed to text me in the morning so that I knew he was up and vise versa.

Thirdly, my phone was the only thing I had to contact work and get a ride.

My life was ruined.

I plopped down on the bed and Winona asked; "are you okay?"

I put my head in my hands for a second before getting an idea. I jumped up and grabbed my purse. I pulled out my hairbrush and makeup and the sweater Peter lent me yesterday. I put the sweater on and then did my makeup and hair.

I grabbed my purse and went to the kitchen to say goodbye to Pietro when I saw my phone on the spice rack.

I smiled and ran up to it only to be blocked by Pietro moving in front of it.

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