Page 20 Chapter 3

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"So, you invited the daughter who hates you to your masquerade party in two days? Smart" I said to my dad. Or as I'm now only calling him Stark.

"Why not? I'm trying to apologize for freaking out on you so much without hearing everything. I thought this would be a good idea". Stark crossed his arms as he sat on the couch of the compound.  

"Just because I'm back on the team after their voting to where everyone voted yes except for you. Doesn't mean I forgive you. I actually will go. Just to get away from the stress. HYDRA put me on the shelf for a while. So, I will be going". I said the last bit a little angry. I mean yes I am a bit angry and irritated that he is speaking to me.  

"Well, I can't make you forgive me. But, please do come. It's in England at the Leen castle. I rented it out for the occasion. I even invited your friends. Peter and Winona. I also invited the rest of the Avengers. So help me if one of them ruins something though. Anyhow, I hope you do come." Stark stopped talking and cleared his throat.

I looked him in his sorry sappy eyes as my cold eyes dug into his. I retorted "like you would miss me if I didn't" and I walked away.

"I-" Stark tried to say something but hesitated and shut up.

I made my way down the halls waving at the Avengers at every corner I turned.

I heard a happy voice that I recognized coming up from behind me.

Winona slid to a stop beside me as she yelled "Lana! Are you going!".

I laughed at her excited state as she caught her breath from yelling and running. I then replied calmly "maybe".

Winona's eyes narrowed a bit in a sad way. She then questioned me "why? I know your dad didn't vote for you but... I know he cares. He has to".

I chuckled and smiled a bit as I said: "you have no idea how many people had to care, but didn't in this universe".

Winona looked at me confused as she asked: "how do you know?".

I simply looked at her and smiled as I placed my index up to my lips and winked before speeding up in my pace. The equivalent of Winona's jog.

Winona called out "so, I'm taking that as you did something you shouldn't have or weren't supposed to!" I laughed evilly as I called back "maybe".

I was exiting the building while pulling out my earbuds and phone. I had my earbuds in hand when somebody yanked them out of my hands with their web.

I looked at Peter and punched his shoulder as I quietly yelled "you could have been seen!" then I called angrily "also, those are my earbuds, Parker!".

I jumped on his back and started reaching for my earbuds that were in his hands while he started laughing.

I finally got tired of playing around I told Peter "if you don't give them back I'll call Thor to take you out".

Peters' face went from hysterical laughter to terrified in seconds. He handed me my earbuds and I jumped off of his back chuckling.

I stood beside him and looked up at Peter as I said: "I was just kidding Spidey Cat".

Peter sighed in relief and said "not funny. He destroyed Cap in their first battle and took on your dad."

I rolled my eyes and said "Thors a big softy though. You overestimate his ability to be angry at his friends for something that small."

Peter shrugged and began speaking again as he asked "so are you going to come over to my place to hang out with Ned and I? Aunt May will be cooking!".

I bobbed my head left to right in fake thought as I said "oh I don't know..." and smiled as I stopped and began walking home with Peter beside me and I stated, "of course I am Peter." I then asked, "when don't I hang out with you guys when you ask me to?".

Peter chuckled at my rhetorical question and said "you've got a point there Iron Cat" I punched his arm and said annoyed "don't call me that Bug Boy!".

Winona's P.O.V.

She didn't say she was going. But, she didn't say she wasn't going either. So, I took it as a yes, I mean I know her. If we're going and especially if Peter's going she'll go. I told Peter to ask her to go since she seems to listen to him more for whatever reason.

"What if she doesn't go? We can't make her go" Pietro told me as he watched loops on his phone.

I looked at Pietro while he laid on his couch and said "first of all Pietro loops dead. Second of all. I'm fairly certain she's going." I smiled evilly and tapped my fingers together.

Pietro looked up from his phone at me and said "okay, first of all. Just because the app is dead it doesn't mean the loops are dead or bad for that matter. Second of all why are you so certain and third of all why are you acting like that?".

I looked at him and said "first of all, true. Second of all, I told Peter to ask her and third of all if Peter asks her it's like the law that she has to go".

Pietro seemed to understand now as he oh'ed. I chuckled and messed up his dirty blonde hair as I said "now we have to get packed. We leave in three hours."

Pietro saluted me and we ran off he ran to his room and I ran home to get packed. We met up at his place after we finished packing.

Lana's P.O.V.

"Hey Ned," I said calmly as we stepped up Peters porch. I was currently in my casual clothes, I had my micro suit morph back into my backpack.

Ned replied happily "hey!".

Peter stood there quietly until we were inside and then he called out excitedly "Hey Ned!".

I chuckled and instantly Peter turned to stare me down as he asked "you.... you can laugh?" I smirked at his remark.

Ned stated confused "yeah, she laughs a lot around us. Have you not noticed?".

Peter scratched the top of his head before saying "yeah, well Ned I got some great news dude!".

Ned looked excited to hear it and I wanted to hear this as well.

Peter continued "Mr. Stark invited me to his masquerade ball that's in two days. I leave today. It's in England he has some business partners that are over there so he's throwing a masquerade ball."

I rolled my eyes as I marched up the stairs to his room.

I heard Ned say "that's cool dude!".

I called back "yeah, real spiffing".

Peter then said and I have no idea if it was intentional or not "Lana's invited too."

Ned fake gasped and asked "is this THE moment? Did you finally-".

Ned was cut off by something.

I turned around as Ned asked, "Did you choose her to be your plus one?".

I turned right back around after that and kept walking. I opened the door of his room and listened to Peter.

Peter said "uh, no. We don't get plus ones. Mr. Stark invited us both to go to his masquerade ball. Lana's still not decided though."

I rolled my eyes and said, "well, I would be if none of that would have happened."

Peter then asked "will you please go? Winona and Pietro are all coupley and stuff and I don't want to be the third wheel".

I sighed and said, "Parker stop your ignorant whining." He became quiet and I finished my sentence "I'll go. I'll only go so that you aren't a third wheel. I'm not going for Mr. Stark." I will never forget what he did.

Silver IronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora