Silver Iron Special 3- Interview 2

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Interviewer: Today we have three special guests on our show. We wish we could have had everyone but there's simply not enough seats. Please welcome Sydney Rido, Tom Holland, and Lana Janse!

The three actors and actresses walk on stage and over to their seats.

Tom: Hello!

Lana: Good afternoon everyone!

Sydney: I feel so welcomed!

Interviewer: Hi guys! It's so nice to meet you!

Sydney: To meet me? No way, I'm so happy to meet you! I love your show!

Tom: Really?

Lana: Yeah, she only freaked out about three times after we agreed to come on today.

Tom: Oh yeah... Truthfully I was a bit distracted.

Lana: What in the world could have possibly distracted you from hearing her scream?

Tom: The donuts that were on the table for all of us. They looked so good.

Sydney: Of course you were looking at donuts Tom

Interviewer: What kind of donuts were they Tom?

Tom: Well, let's see... there were the powdered jelly donuts, um apple fritters, custard filled, chocolate, Boston Creme's, and of course my mortal enemies...

Lana: Croissants... there were croissants.

Sydney: Right, anyhow... I think we've taken up enough time talking about donuts. How are you, Liam?

Interviewer: I'm fine, thank you Sydney, but how are you guys?

Sydney: Ecstatic

Tom: Pretty excited

Lana: Horrified

Interviewer: Really? Why? I thought Tom would be the terrified one.

Lana: Well, if Tom says a spoiler... let's just say... I'm getting the short end of the stick.

Interviewer: Oh... well then. Um, so how about we get to some questions?

Tom: Very well then.

Interviewer: Okay, we don't really see your characters hanging out with each other very much as of now. Will that change in the next few episodes, possibly?

Lana: Yes, I won't tell you how or why, but I will say that you will see the three hanging out together more often.

Tom: Very much so-

Lana and Sydney cover Tom's mouth with their hands.

Sydney: Not today spoiler boy

They remove their hands.

Tom: I'm not a boy. I'm older than Lana by a year!

Lana: A year that doesn't matter if you can't act like it.

Sydney: Shots fired!

Interviewer: Well, that went from zero to one hundred real quick.

Sydney: Only with the Silver Iron cast!

The cast and Liam laugh at Sydney's joke.

Lana: Well, I'm ready for the next question Liam

Tom: Same here.

Interviewer: Okay, well, this is going to be a bit more based on who knows who best. Here are your cardboard faces of your castmates. Lana gets her cardboard face, Tom's cardboard face and Winona's, Winona get's Lana's cardboard face, and her's and Tom's and so on. You will have to vote who is more likely and if the majority vote for the same person then that person will admit why they might think that okay?

Tom: Okay, so it's like who's most likely right?

Interviewer: Exactly! Let's get started! Who is most likely to leave the room for something and then forget why they left?

All of them raise Tom's face into the air.

Tom: Okay so once, I went to go to the other side of the set to get a donut but as soon as I stood up I forgot why I stood up.

Lana: Oh I chose it because one day we were all going to get a coffee from our favorite cafe not saying what cafe it is but they know, and so we all stepped inside and Tom asked "why were we here again?

Sydney: That was exactly the moment I thought about after the one Tom brought up!

Interviewer: Seriously?

Tom: Yeah, I've never been more ashamed

Lana laughs at Tom

Lana: I doubt that

Tom: Hey! She's right though...

Interviewer: Best audition tape?

Everyone raises Winona's face except for Winona, she raised Lana's.

Winona: Okay, so I remember this very vividly, it's so sad. At the very end after I did a bunch of tricks and stuff and tripped once I said very quietly but people found it hilarious "please choose me, I'll die if you don't". I could have been serious but apparently, everyone just died laughing!

Lana: It was hilarious that's why!

Tom: Exactly, what were we supposed to do? Say well they hired you because they were scared you would actually die?

Sydney: Maybe!

Interviewer: Okay, shortest.

Everyone raised up Lana's face even Lana

Lana: Okay look, I'm even shorter than Tom

Tom and Lana stand up and stand side to side staring into the camera before turning to Liam.

Lana: See? It's only a few inches like two or three but he holds it over me like it's three feet!

Tom: She's not wrong but I mean look at how adorable she is! You can't take her seriously when she's mad because she's just so small!

Lana: I hate you.

Tom: You love me!

Lana: No I love my parents though!

Interviewer: Robert and Chris Evans?

Lana: Well yes, but also my biological parents

Interviewer: Great! Most athletic

Everyone take a breath in and then lets it out while Tom and Winona hiss. They raise up Sydney's face.

Tom: She just loves sports and goes to the gym every day!

Sydney: Well, they aren't wrong.

Interviewer: Okay, least likely to stay mad at

Both raise up Lana's face and Lana raised Tom's.

Lana: Look I have no idea why they think it's me.

Sydney: It's your personality for me.

Tom: Your height.

Lana: I chose Tom because he cracks a hilarious joke in the worst situations so you can't help but laugh.

Interviewer: Well, last question for this segment. Most likely to be a dorky flirt.

Everyone puts up Tom's face.

Tom: Even my past girlfriends said when I flirt I'm a bit dorky.

Lana: He's dorky in general I don't think much would change when he flirts.

Sydney: Same reason as Lana.

Interviewer: Okay well time is up for this segment! We'll see you all next segment with some personal questions! Bye!

Lana, Tom, and Sydney: And don't forget to watch the next episode it comes out tomorrow! Bye!

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