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"Lana left, Bucky right, Peter up, Winona stay there!" Pietro yelled as we attacked the SHIELD agents. I took a dip to the ground as I swiped at the agents' feet and knocked him onto his back. I blasted him with my hand electrical unit. Peter got a few from above with his webs, Bucky was taking them down like snowflakes, and Pietro was making them all dizzy and punching them every time he ran by a dizzy one. Nat drill kicked one that was headed for Winona. I told them to not let her come on missions until her hair was back to normal and not turning silver! Did they listen? No! I elbowed the one that was behind me then lifted my forearm with my fist as I hit him in the face. Another one was heading straight for me so I just hopped on his back. Not the best thing to do when you're in an iron suit. He went straight into the ground and made an indent on the sidewalk. Bruce stayed in the compound to work on his studies since we obviously wouldn't need the Hulk at the moment for this fight.

When we got back to the compound I was exhausted. Not because we fought them for three hours, no, I was tired cause stayed up watching a movie all night at my place in my room. Only to find a certain bug boy on my balcony as the movie started getting good. The fighting had literally just begun to start. So I let the fool in and we watched the movie and talked until it ended. Then I made him leave so I could go to sleep.

That's why I was tired. Winona and I were talking and walking into the compound when a flash flew past and I looked at her to see nobody there except Peter. I grumbled "stupid speedster'. Peter gave me a small awkward smile and we began talking instead. I guess it's okay that he took her. I did say for him to watch over her until I say she's good to run again. I sighed in disappointment. It felt like she and I were being split up intentionally. Peter looked me in the eyes and asked: "are you okay?" I nodded and said "I'm just gonna go check on Nat," Peter said uncertainly "I'll be on the lobby couch then" I nodded and walked down the hallway a few feet and saw "BruceTasha has sailed!" I yelled at the two holding hands while walking down the hallway. They stopped walking and turned to look at my happy face. I ran up to them and congratulated them. Eventually, I left. I went to the lobby and sat on the couch by the arms so I just crossed my legs on the sofa and went on my phone. Then I got an idea and said "Hey! Peter!" he looked over at me from his phone and asked, "what is it?" I smiled and went to the spot next to him and showed him the picture of the four of us and said: "let's all have this picture as our background for our lock screen!" Peter smiled and said "you get happy about the smallest ideas. Okay" I chuckled and sent him the picture. He set it up but since the photo had to be cropped to fit the frame we cropped out Winona and Pietro and decided that they would crop us out on their phones too.

Peter laughed as I showed him his contact photo and then he showed me mine. It was a picture of when we were walking to lunch and he stopped so I turned to see what he was doing. I chuckled and pointed as I said: "that was the day I actually looked okay!". He shrugged and said "you look the same to me as every day to me" I hit him playfully on the shoulder as I said,"wow, rude much?" Peters eyes widened as he asked, "was that not a compliment?" I shrugged and said, "maybe in your own mind." I wonder what Winona and Pietro are doing.


Winona's P.O.V.

"Pietro those are my chips! Don't make me run! Lana can tell if I've run or not!" I yelled at him from the couch as he stood behind the couch eating my chips just far enough away so I couldn't touch him or the chips. He laughed and said evilly "you'll never get them back. Full anyways!" I sat up and said "I will run" Pietro laughed and said "you wouldn't" I stood on the ground and we had a glare off as he shoved his mouth full of potato chips. I hate that stupid know it all look he has on his face! I ran onto the couch and hopped over and grabbed the chips just as the front door opened. "Shiitake mushrooms!".

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