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Song: What I Miss Most    by Calum Scott

I woke up in, what seemed to be early morning while in a giant fluffy bed. I sat up and uncovered myself from underneath of the big, bulky, smooth golden colored blanket. I dragged my legs off of the bed and I followed. I quietly found my flats and put them on before making my way out into the hallway.

While walking I heard Thor's "mighty" voice resonate as he called; "I wish to hear your reason!"

I turned the corner quietly and saw Thor sitting on his throne as he looked at a screen from an Ipad that somebody was holding. I heard a quiet murmur of a woman's voice come through the screen.

"Please Thor, she hasn't picked up my calls or texts. I'm worried."

I quietly and slowly walked out into the main hall my feet silently padding against the ground.

"Have you seen her at all? Wherever she went, she forgot her phone, and she hasn't returned!"

I looked at Thor's stone cold face as he asked, "why do you need her otherwise? If I tell you she is fine will you ask more?"

I finally got out into the "Great Hall" and I asked, "what's going on Thor? Who is it?"

I heard the voice call out, "Lana?"

Looking at the device I asked, "Winona?"

I stumbled over myself and walked over to the Ipad.

When I looked into the screen I saw Winona and she was at my place. With, "what is he doing in my house?" I seethed out at her, my blood boiling.

I saw her eyes shift and she turned around to look at Peter Parker who was looking around.

When she looked back at me she began fumbling with her words, "well, you know, I just thought, I just thought that maybe-"

I cut her off and said, "you just thought nothing. I want you both out of my house especially when I'm not there. What would I do if HYDRA broke into my house while you were there Winona? It would be my fault if you got hurt or worse if you got captured."

She scoffed and said, "Lana I doubt that they could catch me, or-" I once again cut her off but in a cold tone and said, "I don't care, get out. I want you both out of my house and I want you out now. Or I won't have a problem calling the police more so on the other of you."

I heard my voice crack as I told her I wouldn't have a problem calling the police on Peter Parker who was in my house without my permission.

Winona gave me an angry and concerned look as she asked, "what happened to you?"

My eyes disconnected from her's for a few seconds as I told her, "nothing big, just leave-", my eyes returned to meet her's and I continued, "my house."

Then I turned to face Thor and said, "Thor end the call."

His eyes widened slightly and he asked, "what?"

I once again told him; "end the call".

He opened his mouth to say something but I just once again angrily commanded him to end the call.

Thor pouted and said, "fine, sorry little humans. Goodbye Winona, Insect boy, I will see you both sometimes later in the week."

He ended the call and said, "I'll end my calls when I want to."

I plopped down on the arm of his throne chair and said, "I can't believe he would willingly go into my house and stay around in the background of a call directed to find me. Like he knew it would tick me off."

A hand found it's way to my left shoulder and grabbed on, before Thor's voice quietly replied, "maybe he was worried? Isn't that how a best friend should-"

I laughed coldly and said, "best friend? How about we stay more in the category of acquaintances? Huh? Seeing as though that's where it should have stayed."

Thor's large hand fell from my shoulder slowly and he responded, "I won't pretend to know what happened, and I won't pretend to be on your's or his side. I will ask you to pretend that you want to be around me right now, however, alright?"

I looked at Thor and he gave me a forced smile and I looked away to the ground in front of me as I told Thor, "It's not that I don't want to be around you in particular, okay? I just don't want to be around anyone right now. I wanted to see you yesterday because it had been some while since we've last seen each other and I just wanted to see your smile again. It always seems to give me hope when I've lost it."

I looked back as a small pitiful smile graced his face and he advised me, "as does yours to me. Just remember to keep some of your own hope. That's what makes your world tolerable and that's what keeps your world shaping into new or forgotten things."

Nodding along I questioned, "do you give a lot of advice to people?"

Thor bounced his head around and then told me, "usually only to Loki, but as he hasn't taken a word of it, I usually just write them down in my "what did Loki do?" journal".

I laughed softly and turned towards Thor, then I bent down and hugged Thor as I told him, "well, I'll take that advice then."

His cheery voice picked up and he said; "great! Okay, Sentence one Advice one! How to cook pop tarts without the toaster exploding!"

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