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We walked up to the castles front doors and the guards opened them for us. Winona must have known what Pietro was wearing because she ran off to a man talking to another guy while sipping some water to stay hydrated. The man she went up to was wearing a full black suit with dark grey cuffs and a black mask with sequence black swirls designed onto the area around the eyes. His platinum blonde hair probably gave him away though.

I continued stepping forwards towards the sides of the ballroom to get to a corner when I ran into someone and they caught my wrist. I looked at the person to see a boy or man around my age if not exactly my age. It was harder to tell with masks. He was wearing a light grey suit with a black dress shirt underneath and black dress shoes. His mask was gold, black, and white. The gold was in a swirling design around the mask to frame it. The forehead of the mask was also gold in the middle. There was white towards the cheeks and black in the top two corners. His brown eyes were popping from the contrast of the white and gold with the chestnut brown eyes of his. His light brown hair was pushed back and he was mesmerizing.

I lost my voice for a second as he said "hi, I'm Peter. What's your name?" my throat was dry.

This was Peter. My best friend. Bugboy. I just had those thoughts about my best friend. My cheeks flushed a light pink. I stood up and took my wrist back as I rubbed the blood back into them and I stated to him "watch where you're going Bugboy" I glanced up at his face from the corners of my eyes as the realization dawned on him.

When he finally asked "Lana?".

I nodded and asked "what?" Peter just smiled and told me "nothing".

I rolled my eyes before hearing Stark call out that it was time for the waltz. Everybody was partnering up. They all came to the ball with partners of course so when I was the only girl left and Peter was the only guy left Peter walked over and asked: "would you care to dance?" I looked at the ground and put my hand in his as I mumbled "sure, but you better be good at dancing Parker."

When the dance was over we let go of each other's hands and talked. Winona and Pietro walked over to us and began talking about the dance they had.

I chuckled as Peter whispered to me "do you see what I meant?".

I nodded and began talking with Peter again.

The ball was only about four hours long and then we all began heading home. As we all or as in we the Avengers all walked back I looked in a store and saw an Avengers poster and went in. I grabbed it and bought it along with a sharpie. I exited again and had everyone sign it using their hero signatures and then I rolled it up for when I give it to Ned in two days. 

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