Infinity War-Special!

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Hey guys! So this is a special page it's not technically counted as an official page but it's for the new movie! Enjoy!


"Thanos? He sounds just horrible" Lana said sarcastically to a red jacket wearing space outlaw. The guy looked at her from across the table and asked: "who let the moody teen in?" Lana shot him a glare and stood up slamming her hands on the meeting table as she asked "who let the space hobo in?" they had a good minute of tension between each other as they glared at each other. Then a green girl joined the conversation and said "Peter glaring isn't going to do anything. Let's please just finish this meeting and go" Peter looked at the green girl and said, "but, Gamora she started it!" Lana scoffed from the other side of the room and said under her breath loud enough for everyone to hear "such a child". Peter threw down his jacket and got into a fighting stance as he asked: "so you wanna go?" Lana motioned for him to put his fists down with her hands as she walked over and put her hands on them to push them down and she said: "I don't fight ladies". There was a small chuckle from the back end of the group near where Lana was originally sitting and they looked back to see a smiling Tony. Tony stood up and said "Lana, sweetheart, sit down, please. We won't get anywhere like this" Lana crossed her arms and sat down in her chair at the other end of the table.

Peter looked at Tony and said "Thank you" Tony nodded and flared his blazer again as he said, "now continue". Peter continued his explanation of Thanos and the threat he poses on the universe at the moment. Gamora chiming in every so often when Peter would get off topic. When Peter and Gamora stopped talking and ended their explanation Lana stood and said "well, I guess we have to help" she sighed and said "I really, really, really don't like you Mr. Star Lord but, in order to save the world and possibly galaxy that us idiots-" she gave a look to the raccoon who was standing off to the side and then looked back to Peter and continued "-live in. We have to work together." Peter nodded and said, "agreed".

Bruce stood up and asked "how? If he's as 'powerful' as you say he is, then how will we defeat him?" Cap stood and said to Bruce "we've done the impossible before. Now we have more people to help this time to make it easier." everyone started whispering amongst themselves until Winona stood up and slammed her hands down on the table yelling out "I don't see what's so hard about this! We're going to do this, there should be no debate" Peter the Avengers Peter stood up and said "she's right. We've got this! We've even got a sorcerer on our side!" Lana looked at the boy and said "Pete that's beside the point" Natasha stood and said "we'll help. If we don't... what has this all been for?". Lana, Winona, Peter, Star-Lord, and Gamora all smiled at her executive decision. Star-Lord then said "thank you-" he was cut off by Tony and Tony said, "on one condition." Star-Lord replied, "what is it?" Tony looked up and gave a serious stare with a grimace as he said "if things get too bad and the kids... are in imminent danger... get them away and out of the vicinity. They can't get hurt too badly in this fight" Lana stood and pounded a fist on the table. Everyone looked at her as she yelled "we aren't children Stark! We can take care of ourselves! Stop treating us like newborns!" Winona stood with a more peaceful manner as she said "truthfully Mr.Stark she is correct. We aren't children, but if that is your wish I will make absolutely sure". Peter stood and Thor as well on the side of Winona. Then Nat and Clint stood. Lana looked around as everyone but herself, Bruce, Loki, Groot, and Strange stood. Lana asked "so, this is how it is?" Tony looked at Bruce with a sign of danger flashing in his eyes as he asked "Bruce?" Bruce sat back and said with his arms crossed "Tony, I'm sorry, but we'll need all the help we can get until the end if this Thanos guy really is, that powerful". Loki didn't say anything. He just simply nodded in agreement as well as Strange. Vision, Wanda, and Pietro all stood to the side nodding as well. Groot stood and started talking although they all only heard the words I am Groot repeated over and over again. Rocket replaced the silence as he yelled "no! That isn't the right thing to do you dang toothpick!". Black Panther bounded up and put a hand on Lana's shoulder as he said to her "I agree with you. However, we can not risk the new heroes to protect our world." Lana shoved his hand off of her shoulder as she said coldly "you're either with us or not!".

The sudden outburst startled Panther as he caught himself. He put his chin up and said "I am with nobody. I only live for Wakanda. Wakanda is why I fight. I will not stand by while family and friends fight over petty things, however." Lana glared daggers at Panther and said "T'Challa! Choose." Her look deadly serious. He looked her in the eyes and said "fine." T'Challa walked to Tony and stood beside him as he said: "I've chosen". Lana looked at all of the people who were opposed to her fighting until the end compared to those who were on her side. Even her friends.

They wrapped up the meeting and head out.

"Dad! Cap! Strange!" Lana yelled flying to the three men on the ground. Badly wounded bodies. As she approached her friends and father tears began streaming. Winona ran to her and grabbed her shoulder while trying to yank her back to the rest and away from the three. Lana pulled away roughly and ran to the three. Kneeling beside the three she saw her fathers distant look in his eyes. Thanos had finally fallen. But at what price? She thought while tears slipped down her cheeks behind her Iron helmet. She exited her suit and ran to her father's side. The other two would still live. However, Lana wasn't so certain about her father. She pulled her father's head onto her lap and took her shaking hands to his face. She cupped the frame of her father's face as he smiled at her. That annoying smile she had always hated. She loved his smile deep down. Then she heard her father say "all that talk about you three getting hurt and it turned out we would be the ones getting hurt heh" Lana slapped his cheek and said "stop talking! Save your energy!" he shook his head slowly and said to his only daughter "I'm so proud of you. I love you" the two things she ever had wanted her father to say to her. He finally said. As she responded with "I love you too dad, so much!" she watched his eyes slowly fade. Vision started his electrical shock units on her father as she put his head on the ground gently. Peter ran to the crying girl with Winona right beside him. They hugged her as she asked, "what was the cost?".

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