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Winona's P.O.V.

Jump, dodge, punch, kick that seemed to my pattern as I was bombarded with Hydra agents. Something was different about their attack today. They had a leader who was watching from the catwalk above us. They were watching us fight their agents. The agent's attacks were far more advanced than usual. I couldn't believe how effective they had gotten in fighting since our last fight with them. It was insane.

When Tony had finally knocked the last one down he flew using his boosters to fight the who I had assumed was their leader. He made it to the catwalk. I watched a fist fly by my head and joked "if you wanted my attention that badly, you could have just said so" I slid to the ground and kicked their feet out from underneath them.

Another thing I've realized about this leader is that it's a girl and I don't really see any girl agents often. Except for Madame Hydra.

That was a peculiar thing. I'll have to keep a mental note. I ran past a few that were jumping to tackle me and turned around and elbowed them to the ground. I knocked them out and headed to help out Cap.

Tony was holding his own against the "leader". Barely, it was like she'd been studying his fighting for years. She knew his weakest points and exploited them. They had an angry conversation as they fought. Probably about what's right and what isn't.

I got hit to the ground and I felt my pounding cheek. The agent went flying by and into a stack of crates. Pietro helped me up and asked if I was alright.

Tony started losing badly as his bruises and scrapes, and cuts were starting to show. Cap called angrily as a lot more soldiers dropped down to fight us "retreat! We'll strategize later!". Tony couldn't hear Cap so I told Peter to get him. Peter had a much higher chance than me.

I watched him swing up after shooting a web. He grabbed Tony and ran off the catwalk while jumping over the rails. Peter swang down swiftly and out of the building. I ran out behind them. Taking a look at the evil smirk on the now exposed lips of the woman. Her mask near the bottom was torn a bit to reveal pieces of her lips. Her smirk dancing evilly on her face as she watched us retreat.

I helped Peter and Tony get back to the rest of the Avengers.

Cap called a meeting for the Avengers today. Lana's seat still empty beside Peter, Tony, and I. We tried our best to keep our gazes from the seat. I listened as Cap said "obviously, something has changed with Hydra" we all.nodded as I offered my opinion "they had grown a lot stronger and their fighting was a lot more efficient" Cap nodded and said ", exactly. Taking these guys out used to be a piece of cake. Now, it was hard to even hold my own." He looked around at everyone staring at him. He looked at Tony dead on and asked "what about the person on the catwalk?" Tony looked at everyone and said "she knew how I fought, she obviously studies our fighting patterns before attacking. This gave her a large advantage when attacking me. She used and exploited my weak points." I looked him in his glossy eyes as he looked at the meeting table.

She must have said something about him or his family. Even possibly both.

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