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Winona, Peter, and I all were hanging out on the couch and every so often my watch would ring telling me about something. I ignored the notifications on my watch mainly until one popped up saying 'EMERGENCY ERROR'. My eyes widened a bit and then shrunk again back to their original state. I stood up as Winona and Peter were talking about a book they both love and I walked towards the hallway. I turned down a side hallway and clicked on the notification. I got a call from FRIDAY and FRIDAY instantly said "Ms. Stark, I believe someone has broken into your house. Mr. Stark is not answering his watch. It will not be long until they have broken through the main-" after the word 'main' FRIDAY sounded as if it were short-circuiting. I asked frantically "FRIDAY? FRIDAY, are you still there? What's happening?" FRIDAY didn't answer and the call was cut out. I looked up from my watch screen and saw Peter and Winona standing at the corner of the hallways bend staring at me worried. I waved dismissively as I told them "it's fine, I just have to go home and check on something real quick" Winona shook her head and said "we care, let us come with you. We heard what was happening, we can help" I tried to reason with them "FRIDAY was just pulling a prank on me, I'm sure. I just need to make sure that's all it is" Winona went to say something against me but Peter stepped in front of her lightly pushing her back with the front of his hand and said sternly "we're not asking, we're telling you that we're coming with you". I locked eyes with him challenging him with a glare but when he finally looked away he said "this doesn't mean we give up. We're coming with you whether you want us to or not." I rolled my eyes at his persistence and said "fine".

We entered the lab and to my surprise, Bruce wasn't there. So he actually did go to the meeting. I stepped to my suit and got equipped in it. As I stepped forwards I heard Peter mumble "so cool". I looked over with a glare to defend myself and then looked away as I walked to the roof. Winona created a tornado of energy around her as she got changed into her suit in the middle of it. Peter was already in his suit, he just needed to put his mask on. We got on the roof and Winona called out "race ya there!" I smirked and before she started running I shot a net around her legs. She called out "hey! Cheater!" I laughed and called back as I flew off of the roof "I don't recall we ever set rules!" Peter hopped off of the roof and shot a web to another building and I hit turbo. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to get there fast so that I could stop the infiltrators, but I also wanted to win this race. 

I made it to the house and stood on the roof area waiting for the other two. Winona appeared and said "that was a cheap move" I shrugged and said "like I said, I don't recall ever setting rules for the race. But hey, at least you beat Spider Boy." She chuckled and said "true" I waited a few more seconds and Spider-Boy finally showed up. I scoffed as I said, "took you long enough Spider-Boy" he called out offended "well, it's not my fault I didn't know where your house was! I followed the trail of steam you left". I rolled my eyes and I ran into my house as I heard some glass break. I looked in the hallway and saw hydra agents everywhere. They broke my favorite picture, it was my mom's picture. I looked up from the picture on the ground and instead of speaking, I shot a beam out at them on maximum power before most could react.

Spiderman and Silver Second began fighting at my side. Silver ran around a few that had gathered behind us and knocked the majority out and tied them all up with many many tight knots. Spiderman shot a web at one that missed the beam and threw the agent at another. I punched one of the other agents, and roundhouse kicked another. There were a few more left but Silver was running out of fuel to run and she started to use combat skills. Peter was hit pretty bad when he took on two bigger men and since he couldn't punch them or he would kill them so he kicked them into a wall. You could seriously see the wall powder fly off the wall when they hit it. Luckily, dad built the walls to withstand a lot of force.

I myself was running low on battery in my suit, and so I had to ditch the suit and fight hand to hand so now I was getting pretty sluggish. We were all back to back with each other when more agents dropped from the ceiling. I was really hating myself for missing breakfast today. As Hydra agents went to punch me I ducked and Spiderman grabbed his fist and flipped him into a couple more. Eventually, we were definitely outnumbered and were losing. Until a beam of light blasted some from behind us, and some speedster ran around them to tie them up. Some lightning shot down from the sunroof and hit some more knocking them out. An arrow shot past my head into the chest of an agent, and then I saw a different colored beam shoot out and get about three more. Then I saw red mist and three or four more were out. I was a little dizzy from all of the exercise honestly though, pretty much all three of us were. Lastly, I saw Nat take down two more and then three more and Cap's shield frisbee and knockout four more. They were all out. The three of us fell to the ground back to back as the two of them chuckled at being saved. I would have joined them but I had just remembered "FRIDAY!" I jumped to my feet and ran to the main circuit board in my room. I typed fast to get to FRIDAYS system. Thankfully FRIDAY was just shut down. I turned FRIDAY back on and she greeted me. I smiled and heard Peter call out "so cool!" Winona laughed and said "I don't know I think Pietro might be cooler" I looked at her and chuckled as I asked "is that because of earlier?" she shrugged and said "maybe, maybe not" we all laughed a bit until the Avengers started piling into my room, with serious looks. Oh no. 

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