Page 14

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"Seriously dad?" I tilted my head at the drunk man in front of me. 

He was giggling about some stupid thought he had a few minutes prior. 

I grabbed his arm and put his other arm around my neck like if he were hurt in battle and I carried him to the couch. 

He was too heavy to carry to his room that was upstairs. 

I sighed as I went to the kitchen to grab him a water bottle. 

So I opened the fridge I saw a fresh pack of water bottles and smiled. I grabbed one and tossed it into the air. 

Then I caught it again and closed the fridge door. I turned to head back to the living room but saw a bug boy outside of the window by the sink.

I blinked a few times before determining that he was real. 

I opened the window and stuck my head out as I asked: "what are you doing here bug boy?" 

Peter rubbed the back of his neck. 

He was in a white science-themed T-shirt a red hoodie and some blue jeans and his usual converse. 

I watched as the teen fidgeted around as he asked: "did you wonder how Mr. Stark got home while being so drunk?". 

I chuckled and asked "you brought him home? What's next? Are you going to go to the store and get me some popcorn if I hand you the money?". 

His eyes widened a bit and he said while smiling awkwardly "if you need me to I can". 

I waved it off and said "it was sarcasm, Parker. Come on I'll let you in through the front." 

Peter smiled and said "thanks". 

I slipped back into the house fully and shut and locked the window. I headed to the door and opened it to a smiling Parker. I backed up and let him in before shutting the door. I headed to my dad's loopy figure that was dangling half on and half off of the couch as he made terrible dad jokes.

When I entered the room with Peter behind me dad asked: "who's the punk?". 

I sighed and said "dad, this is Spiderman ya know, Peter, Peter Parker. One of my best friends." 

Dad gave off an oh and then said: "you two are dating right?". 

I glared at the drunk man and said: "no, ask that kind of question again and I'll give you a headache to wake up to tomorrow that's worse than the hangovers!". 

He laughed and said "okay" I took the cap off of the water bottle and handed the bottle to him. 

It would help a bit with his alcohol level and make him fall asleep quicker. 

I sat on the floor in front of my dad while he drank all of his water. 

When the bottle was empty I grabbed it and screwed the top back on. 

I draped a blanket over him and sat there until he fell asleep. 

When he finally fell asleep I grabbed the bottle and stood up. 

As I walked towards the kitchen Peter asked: "he's like this a lot huh?". 

I didn't answer as I recycled the bottle. 

As I turned to walk out Peter had his arms crossed and he was leaned against the doorway. 

He then said "I'm waiting for the answer" I sighed and said "yeah, he comes home like this a lot. I take care of him most nights. When he does come home."

Peter looked at me as he said "I didn't know he was that bad" I waved it off and said, "it's fine, most don't". 

I ran a hand through my hair and said "you can stay here tonight. We have extra guest rooms. Since it's so late why not? I would rather my best friend not web an innocent cat because he is suspicious that someone is following him." 

Peter chuckled and asked, "is it alright with Mr. Stark?". 

I shrugged and said "he could care less. He's so drunk he probably won't even wake up tomorrow" Peter smiled and I said, "Hey Peter, thanks for bringing my dad home". 

Peter shrugged and said, "it's all in a day's work of being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman". 

I chuckled and said "for real, thanks" I hugged the goofball and then messed up his hair as I motioned for him to follow. 

I head upstairs and made sure the guest room was okay for him to stay in. I showed him the room and it's built-in bathroom and waved goodnight.

Thorgi stayed with Peter for the night.

Winona's P.O.V.

I jumped over the couch and yelled "you will never catch me!" he caught me. 

Currently, we were having a pillow fight. 

If I can't run I might as well have fun. 

I rolled on the ground and hit him with the pillow. "Die speedy Gonzales die!" I yelled while laughing. 

Pietro hit me back with his pillow and said "Silver come on! Get off the ground!". 

I dropped the pillow and yelled stubbornly "never!". 

I got up and speed walked to the kitchen as I yelled: "the food is mine!". I grabbed my last bag of chips and Pietro ran by. 

He tried to grab the chips from my hands but I had a death grip on my chips this time. 

I licked the seal of the bag on the bottom and top so he couldn't touch it without getting my spit on his hand. I began eating the chips in victory as I yelled: "this is my house!". 

Pietro pouted in the corner and I just laughed evilly as I ate my favorite chips and drank my water. I win. 

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