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The bridge was like a glass rainbow.

I almost threw up looking at it, at first.

Drudging myself to my right a bit to Winona as we continued to walk. As I finally made it to beside her she glanced over at me.

Winona gave me a confused look as she asked: "are you okay?".

I looked up at her and whispered: "the bridge is so colorful and sparkly!"

Winona chuckled and smiled as she said: "I didn't know you liked sparkly colorful things".

Hearing that come out of her mouth a chill ran down my spine and I told her on the verge of tossing cookies "no, I hate them! I think I'm going to toss some cookies any second".

Her previous look of surprise turned into plain worry as she called "if you toss them onto me I will never forgive you!".

Chuckling lightly so that I wouldn't accidentally throw up I told her "I hate you".

In response, she asked "why? I'm lovely".

Glaring I told her "I think I might be okay with you never forgiving me".

Her look was priceless, it was a look of pure terror as she yelled, "you will not throw up on me! Hear me!"

Smirking I began acting like I was going to throw up and Winona started running away.

Laughing at her as I slowly chased her around the bridge, I forgot other people were on the bridge and I ran into someone.

Looking up I saw Thor and his concerned face.

Smiling deviously I asked Thor "Thor, can you carry me wherever we're going? My feet hurt!".

Winona looked at me concerned as she mouthed to me "seriously?".

Thor smiled and said "sure!".

He kneeled and I sat on his shoulders.

Thor started walking again after he stood back up like I weighed nothing.

Honestly, I really don't I only weigh one hundred and ten pounds. I'm eighteen almost nineteen.

Winona glared up at me as she mouthed "was it true?".

Snickering I told her quietly "me barfing was true".

Laughing evilly at her face as she chuckled at me, we talked as Peter walked silently beside us.

After a while, we made it to a giant pair of doors and Thor called while lifting his arms into the air proudly "this is the castle of Asgard!".

As soon as he let go of my legs I fell back quickly and squealed loudly.

Thankfully Peter was behind us and caught me.

Thanking him as he put me down I then offhandedly stated: "how about we not do that."

I glanced over at his comforting eyes and smiled a bit.

I started pointing around at the city behind us and declaring things such as "I want to live here forever! It's so pretty!", or "This place needs to be a bit less upbeat, it's making me physically sick!".

Peter laughed and asked "really?".

Winona ran around me yelling "did you seriously throw up on the bridge?".

My eyes went wide and I started laughing.

Peter looked at me expectantly and I put my hands up in defense for a second before hugging myself and stating "it wasn't me".

I took in a deep breath and started wiping my tears of laughter from my eyes.

Peter raised an eyebrow and asked, "then why are you laughing?".

Looking at his confused eyes I told him chuckling "cause, whoever did it is my new best friend!".

I watched as Winona rolled her eyes and Peter snickered.

Thor opened the doors to his new castle in Asgard and we walked in.

Thor showed us around and I looked around filled with amazement.

This is a whole new culture to study, I can't wait!


Peter's P.O.V.

We were in the main lobby and Thor called "this is the main lobby where the throne is!".

I turned my head and saw Lana looking around at the room and her eyes were filled with wonder and amazement.

I wonder how often she gets to go to new places and discover their cultures.

She turned to look at me noticing me staring at her and pushed her hair behind her ear as she asked "what?".

I shrugged and smiled innocently as she scoffed and lightly punched my shoulder.

She heads off down the hallway to our left as Winona turns around to look at me and wriggles her eyebrows while smirking.

I swatted at her before crossing my arms and going to find her, so that she didn't do anything stupid. This was new territory after all.

Winona pivoted towards me as I turned to head down the hall and she ran up to me quietly.

We started walking down the hall and she asked "so, what do you think?".

I turned towards her and said, "this place is nice."

She chuckled and said "yeah, it's really something, isn't it? It's too bad you aren't here with a significant other. The bridge at sunset would be the perfect setting to hold their hand. I wonder what Pietro's up to."

I felt a light pink tulip color brush my face lightly as she talked about romance and continued to look through every doorway to find Lana and make sure she hadn't gotten into any trouble.

I looked into the last room on the left of the hallway and saw Lana looking at paintings and pictures.

When I came back to reality I heard Winona say "but, she wouldn't know that, now would she?".

I gave Winona a confused look before saying skeptically "yeah..."

I walked in fast and softly said from beside her concentrated form "so you haven't gotten into trouble yet?"

She turned to look up at me and shrugged as she said: "I probably have, but I have yet to find out if I have yet".

Laughing she turned to Winona who was smirking at me as she leaned against the wall.

Lana called "Winona, what's up?".

Winona called back to her "I found out that the wifi here sucks! I can't even message Pietro!".

Lana sarcastically called back "oh the struggles!".

Laughing we all formed into our small group and looked around until Thor popped into the room and said "hey! You all missed it! I made the best pun, and no one was even there to hear it!".

Lana told him while chuckling "if it was a pun I'm glad I wasn't there, it probably wouldn't have been very... punny".

She laughed and snorted while Winona, Heimdall, and I all sighed in disappointment while Thor laughed along.

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