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That same night, Diana was getting ready for bed when someone knocked on her Apartment's door, she opened it and saw her fellow English Healer, Mina.

"What can I do for you Mina?" She asked the girl in front of her.

"Well the Head Healer told me to get all the Healers from St. Mungo's, they're finally letting us go home!" The girl said with excitement.

"Oh! And bring your things with you!" She called, and Dian started to pack her things faster than Pietro Maximoff .

Ones she was packed, she went down and saw that her fellow Healers was there, and Charlie smiled at her.

"Thank you for your Help" The head healer said, and dismissed them all.

Diana and the others walked to certain parts of New York, to apparate.

Diana was finding an Alley, but she felt someone following her, she looked around then she saw a masked figure, the masked figure threw a dagger, before Diana can apparate.

Ones she was in front of Grimmuald Place, she saw that the dagger had hit her side, she looked up and saw familiar blonde hair.

"A-ATHENA!" She shouted, luckily the girl looked back and saw her current state she immediately, helped her up.

"I'll take you inside", Athena said panicking she ran to the kitchen, and was greeted by Molly, Sirius, Tonks, Regulus, Arthur, and Remus.

"What happened?" Molly asked as she helped Athena, Sirius stared, and Regulus nudged him, while Remus looked at Tonks, and the girl comforted him.

"There's a dagger at her side" Athena said panicking.

"Alright, I'll heal her" Molly said.

"Here" Athena said giving her a vial, while Molly removed her cardigan, and took the dagger, when she took it Diana screamed in pain, it was a good thing that they put a silencing charm at the room.

"It's going to be alright Dear" Molly said as she raised Diana's shirt a bit, and healed the girl.

"It's a blood replenishment potion" Athena said, and Diana gladly drank it.

Ones her side was bandaged she sat up, and hugged Athena, Athena hugged back and patted her back.

"Nice to see you Regulus! Oh and is that my brother, my sweet brother, Nice to see you Remus!" Regulus mimicked in a high pitched voice.

"Well nice to see you" Regulus said, and Remus laughed, Sirius on the other hand wanted to hug the girl so bad.

But their faces turned to worry, and anger, Diana looked at Remus, and he was looking at the other girl at the room, and he seemed dazed.

"Who did this?" Remus asked nearing Diana as Athena went beside the two Blacks in the room.

"I don't know I was apparating back here when I saw a hooded figure, it threw a dagger that's why I apparated as quick as I can" Dian said, in her british accent, Athena snorted and the whole room looked at her.

"I wonder what happened to your American accent" Athena said, and Diana laughed.

"American accent?" Regulus repeated.

"Oh you should hear her" Athena said, and Diana playfully glared at her.

"Go on this sounds promising" Regulus said, Remus looked at her and smirked, while Sirius just stared.

"Well.." She said and thought for something to say, after a while she lightly laughed and looked at them.

"Do you know Seven Rings?" She asked, and Athena laughed .

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