Epilogue: Finale

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Three years later...

The past three years had been quite hectic for Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok. Their relationship had taken so many hits, at times, they were almost convinced it would break them, but every time it made them and built their relationship up to be stronger. It was like the defences in a war; they learnt from their previous battles and strategized better front line defences and they were stronger to fight their battles and win.

Of all the hits, Hoseok residing in Japan was hardest one for the throuple to deal with as it was the basis of all their relationship problems. From the moment he left Korean soil they made sure they stayed in contact with eachother. They videocalled each other everyday and that proved effective for the first 6 months that he was gone but as they predicted, it just wasn't enough to satiate their longing for each other's touch and comfort just by knowing the other was there with them. Of course, Hoseok took it the hardest of the three since he was all alone in a foreign country.

He lived in a luxury two-bedroom apartment, provided by the company he was employed by and the job was equally as fulfilling as his accomodation. He enjoyed the students he taught and got on with majority of his colleagues, majority since one of them by the name of Saito Kyu was a talented narcissist with an attitude problem. Hoseok would never admit to his face that he thought he was a great dancer because it would only inflate his seconds-from-bursting ego. His girlfriend Kano however, was a true delight and was loved by everyone. All of his colleagues, including himself, wondered how such a sweet girl like her ended up with someone so unpleasant like Saito. It was a mystery but when they were together, they were indefinitely cute.

Seeing Saito and Kano loved up everyday made him miss his boys so much more than he would've if he didn't have to see their sickeningly sweet displays of affection at work constantly. He had two week long breaks every three months, which was more than reasonable but didn't make it any less harder when it came to wanting to be with his boyfriends. When he could see them, something always felt off for him. It was like he travelled to a time where he simply didn't exist to be in a relationship with Jimin and Yoongi. If anything, it felt like when they were friends and he would return from his trips. He couldn't stand the awkward feeling of seclusion. When he came they would exchange cheek kisses and sleep in the same bed at night, but every other second felt like he was third wheeling, nothing but an intruder in Yoongi and Jimin's relationship.

Whomever said long-distance relationships are manageable clearly hadn't experienced it themself.

And for a while, he thought what gave him the right? What gave him the right to come in and shake up their obvious happy relationship? So his visits became less frequent. He would lie about his company shortening his vacation time to avoid the heavy feeling in his chest when he was with his boyfriends, and would take short trips to other countries such as Australia, America, England, Singapore, and many more. All to avoid spending less time with his lovers he barely saw, something he never would've imagined doing post migrating to Japan.

Despite all this, Yoongi could tell something was wrong and without Jimin's knowledge, he flew to Japan to talk it out with him. That week was probably one of the most emotional times he's ever had to endure in his life. He spilled all his pent up feelings about their relationship to Yoongi, and there were enough tears to fill a swimming pool from Hoseok alone. They were able to resolve their issues and even talked with Jimin over the phone once they had talked and made sure they were okay.

After that turning point in their relationship, Hoseok began to spend the entirety of his breaks with Jimin and Yoongi, sometimes they even went abroad with eachother which was a blast. That moment of discussion improved many problems in their relationship which allowed them to be a lot more open with one another.

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