Chapter20-You Make Me Sick

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" I'll be back later, Okay?"

I looked up at from staring at my feet and gave Pac as toothless smile. " Mhmm!" I mumbled.

Pac smiled at me in the doorway and furrowed his brows. " What were you just thinking about?" He chuckled.

It was kind of nothing to be serious about, it was just something that I just noticed about my appearance for the first time that had nothing to do with my stomach. " No, I was just thinking that I need to go get my feet done."

" Really? I wasn't gon say nothing, but I'm glad you pointed it out yourself."

I sucked my teeth and pushed him at the sight of him laughing like it was just that funny.. I wasn't gon say nothing about his hammer toes, but I see he wants to be childish. " That shit not funny with your ugly toes! So you can't talk about nobody else feet until you get yours done."

" Okay okay, I'm sorry." He whined wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

" No, get yo ass off me!" I tried my best to push him off of me but I realized that I wasn't going to win that battle being that he's so much bigger than me.

" You know you love me." He teased finally letting me go. " Now give me a kiss before I take one."

It was a shame. Pac had dropped his hands down onto his knees and puckered his lips up like he had been anticipating my kiss. All I could do was try to hide the fact that I was laughing but I shook my head and kissed him anyway.

" See you later." He said pecking my lips three more times. " Bye baby." He rubbed my stomach then mushed my forehead and ran for the car so I wouldn't hit him back.

Once he left, I closed the door and went to sit back on the couch when I saw Chilli sitting down eating chips on my couch.

" Who the hell told you that you could take your hungry ass in my cabinets, eat my chips and put your damn feet on my furniture?"

Chilli looked up at me then continued to eat MY chips while staring into my eyes. " You were too busy entertaining your baby daddy and I didn't want to stop y'all from being cute."

I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth. " Mhmm, yeah whatever." I took the bowl of chips out her lap and sat on her while I ate some as well.

" Lisa stop!" She whined. " Get your heaving ass off of me, damn!! You play too much."

" How the fuck are you going to eat tortilla chips without no nacho Cheese or salsa?" I asked looking at her. " What the fuck is wrong with you?"

" Well if you and your child would get off my lap then maybe I could go get some salsa and nacho cheese, now move ya ass, Kensie!"

Now she's starting to do the most so I got up from off her lap and watched her walk to the kitchen.

" And don't put your feet in my skates! And make sure you warm up the nacho cheese!"

" Shut up, Preggo!" Chilli yelled walking toward the kitchen.

I just laughed it off because now it's my time to get on her nerves just like how she got on mine when she was pregnant with Tron. All Chilli wanted people to do was baby her and let her sit on there lap so now it's my turn. Bet not speak too soon because I know the further I get into my pregnancy the more she's going to want to baby me. This girl literally calls me at night to tell me to go get in the bed and make sure I do everything I need too, always want to act like somebody grandma!

Chilli came back with two bowls, strawberry ice cream and some cool ranch Doritos. When the hell did I have strawberry ice cream in my freezer?

" Who the hell bought that ice cream?" I asked watching her sit the salsa and the nacho cheese down on the coffee table.

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