Chapter29- Girl Get On Ya Left Pimpin'

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" Lisa, calm down.. You need to relax." Chilli sung becoming frantic.. She was afraid that Lisa would snap Cassandra's neck and forget Lisa's pregnant.

" No!" Lisa yelled snatching her arm away from Chilli. " I just want to know if there's a problem so we can solve it."

" Oh there is no problem." Cassandra shrugged her shoulders and smirked at Lisa while folding her across her chest.

" Oh that's what I thought." Lisa replied. " Because for a minute I was just about to beat your ass."

" Lisaaa." Chilli sung.. " I think you better calm down."

" Yeah, listen to your girl." Cassandra snapped in agreement.

" You know what." Lisa said calmly stepping a little closer. " I know the problem."

" God please don't let this problem be too much." Chilli was giving a prayer out loud knowing the outcome if something went wrong..

" And what's that?"

" You're a delusional miserable bitch that's the problem." Lisa snapped. " You're still thinking I took Pac from you in all actuality if I really wanted to take him then I could've so don't get it twisted."

" Yeah cause you got my girl fucked up about some bullshit that you don't even know about." Tionne snapped walking over to them. She knew about Cassandra and was gon defend her sister.

" You were too busy out sleeping around on him and guess who he was calling late nights?"

" Her." Chilli replied.

" Whether you like me or not, it's not gon change the fact that I'm having his child. You're going to be miserable and unhappy because YOU fucked up, not because you think I took him from you."

" Right." Chilli instigated.

" You know what Li, Let's go because you got better things to do then sweat the small shit."

Lisa gave her one more look then walked off but came back. " And one more thing, don't even think you're about to use Kyran to make Pac's life miserable, because then we'll definitely have a problem. Lastly; If you got a problem then take that up with him cause I'm not the only person having his baby."

" Tell Ky, Aunty Tionne said Hi!" Tionne yelled off in the distance.

And they continued shopping with ease. Now Cassandra is going to have a problem, an even bigger one than she thought. Cassandra was so caught up on Lisa and getting to her that she had completely ignored her next biggest threat.. JANET.


As soon as Pac sat down on the bed, he was hoping that Janet would come sit on his lap but instead, she waddled her little self over to the dresser.

" What'chu doing Fatgirl?" Pac asked with a smile watching her climb on her tippy toes.

" I'm putting the ultrasound picture on your mirror." Janet said struggling to them there.

All Pac could do was laugh at her trying failing. " Why?" He asked.

" Because I know you like to look in the mirror and the next time you try to bring a girl home she'll see this and think twice about it."

Janet and Pac both laughed reminiscing on the incident. " Those are your monsters." Pac replied.

Janet came over and laid on the bed next to him while he rubbed her belly. For a second, Pac stared at Janet then laid down next to her intertwining their fingers. They just stared up at ceiling in a comfortable silence.

He's Mine!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ