Chapter15- HeartBeat

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I'm free at last! My husband is at work, kids at school and today was my day off. Haven't had a peaceful and quiet day to myself I'm forever. The mood was just right, it had just begun to thunderstorm and my couch was feeling mighty comfortable. Everything was just right.... Until someone knocked on my door.

" Who in the hell is this?!" I asked getting up to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door I say Janet standing in front of me with her hands stuffed in her oversized jacket pocket and tears in her eyes.

" What wrong Jay?" I asked as I walked her inside of the house.

Janet didn't say anything so we walked over to the couch and I stood staring directly at her. Janet just smiled at me and sniffed.

" I think I could use one of those hugs now." Jay smiled again but this time letting a few tears fall.

It wasn't like her to get all emotional for no reason so with no questions asked I pulled her into a tight hug. All I could do was rub her back and try my best to comfort her. Whatever it is that's upsetting her must be something serious, like I said, she's not this emotional but she is an introvert.

" Hey." I pulled away from the hug and looked at Janet with a concerned look. " What's wrong, what happened?"

Janet sniffed and tried to take a deep breath. " It's Pac." She said before breaking down. " We-we bro-bro..." Then again, she started to break down and couldn't finish her sentence.

" I can't hear anything you're saying Ma, just calm down so I can understand what you're saying." I brushed her hair back behind her ear and tried my best to calm her down. " What's the matter with Pac?"

" W-wee bro-"

" Ah ah!" I yelled cutting her off and startling her. " Let's take a deep breath and relax." Jay nodded with a sniff then we took a nice long deep breath together until she calmed down.

" Now tell me what happened between you and Pac." This is where parenting comes into play. I have to try and calm her down so we can discuss this without upsetting her anymore.

" We broke up and I-"

Right there, I had to stop her. I scrunched up my eyebrows and was in complete shock " What do you mean you and Pac broke up?"

Janet nodded her head while wiping away her tears as I sat us both down.

" Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. " Tell me what happened."

" I thought everything was fine ya know, I thought we were both in love and I thought he was different."

I just shook my head and fanned her off. " Tell me what's wrong Ma, what did he do?" I asked. " Give me the play by play of what happened."

" We were laying down in bed and he was kissing and tickling me when the phone rang so I picked it." Janet sniffed again waiting for my input so I just nodded. " When I picked up the phone, it was Lisa and she-"

" His ex Lisa?!" The sound of her name made me angry, I know I don't know her like but still..

Janet nodded then I motioned her to continued. " She called, we got into a spat and she said that she was pregnant with his baby and-

" Wait a minute!" I jumped and looked at Jay like she was out of her damn mind. " This chick is pregnant!?"

" Yeah."

" She could've been pregnant before you and him made it serious." Although I didn't like her, I was going to make any excuse I could for my best friend's sake.

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