Chapter 38- Superficial Superwoman

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" I useto do the same thing for my pooka." Pac said with a smile going into a daze. " I useto make her drink sprite and rub her belly. It was hilarious because we useto be in the middle of a conversation then you would hear this loud burp out of nowhere."

Zay just had Little Zay.. Our son Xavier and we all just call him Santino. Pac and Jay had just gotten back from out of town while we all chilled at my house. It was just me, Pac, Aj, Jaja, Nea, Jay, Santino and Zay. We always vibe well when it's just us.

" That pregnancy junk ain't no joke, man. I'm telling you." I replied before taking a sip of my water.

" Aye.." Pac called sitting up. " You ain't experience what Zay was experiencing through it?"

I scrunched up my face and shook my head. " Nope, we just ate whatever we wanted together and that was great."

Pac chuckled and shook his head. " I was going through it boy! I swear, I was having mood swings, I wanted to devour the weirdest things and it was just crazy. I couldn't really do anything about it."

" Cause y'all are weird, y'all are joined at the hip." I chuckled. " Y'all balance each other so it's like y'all don't argue too much and y'all not boring either."

" Awww Baby, look at Santino." Janet sung walking over to him. Once she made it up to him, Pac opened his arms as she sat on his lap and wrapped his arms securely around her.

" Hi baby boy, you're finally awake." Janet sung holding him up as her and Pac started to play with him.

Shortly after, Zay came downstairs and sat on the arm of my recliner with a smile. " He's been fed so now he's good." She giggled.

" He got the boob so we're good with a quiet baby." I chuckled watching them play with him in awe.

" That works for Sydney, she's dahn honey." Janet said playing with Santino's hands and she sat him in her lap with her left hand supporting his head.

" You still breastfeed her?" I asked with my face scrunched up. " I thought you're supposed to stop at a certain age."

" No, I stopped breastfeeding her a little while ago like when I started touring and stuff. It's just that I froze it so when she's really cranky or something she has it."

" My question is, what does it taste like? Like what is it?"

Janet turned around a little to face Pac as she flipped her hair. " What does it taste like?"

I quickly threw my head back and scrunched up my face. " Wait a minute, what you mean?"

" He accidentally drunk it one night, I don't know how." She giggled as he shrugged.

" Okay this is what happened.." He started as Jay passed Santino to Zay making her get up to put him in the swing.

" I was going to get Sydney a bottle so I warmed up the milk because she was cranky as hell and Pooka was just like make her a bottle, okay cool. So after I gave her the bottle it slipped my mind of what the milk was in. I thought it was something else so I heated up some more on the stove and drank it."

" That's when I walked downstairs and saw him drinking it in a mug. So I smell it and I'm like baby what are you drinking? And he's like oh, I don't know it but it tastes good as hell." She said imitating his voice making us laugh.

" So I grab the mug from him and I'm like Baby, you're drinking breast milk." She giggled. " His face priceless and he was like really? Not even ten minutes later him and Nea were knocked out."

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