Chapter19- Red Roses

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As of right now, I'm mad as hell and I'm not the only one that's pissed off in the house. Everybody looks a little pissed off, from Pac to Q, and Q ain't even the type to get pissed off real quick.

" Eww!" John yelled sizing us up and down with a disgusted look on his face. " What the fuck wrong with y'all?" He asked with this sweet ass smile.

Q looked over at me and I looked over at Pac, we were debating mentally on who would speak first.. Dealing with these two stubborn muh'fuckas is going to take all day because nobody was willing to say anything.

" Bitch, I asked who was gon' speak first!?"

I scuffed and slouched down on the couch, I damn sure wasn't going to be the one to speak first, that wasn't going to happen.

" Pac?" Corey spoke softly noticing how angry Pac was, he didn't want to set him off even more. God knows Pac is bipolar as hell and Corey is doing the right thing.

Pac looked over at us while twitching his top lip as if we disgusted him or like we did it. " Fuck y'all!" He yelled. " Y'all need to mind y'all own fucking business cause I ain't telling y'all shit!"

" Well was it Jay that did it?" John dared to ask. " Cause it seems like after she left you got pissed off."

" Fuck you Bitch!" He yelled standing up with his fist balled up tight. " It ain't got shit to do with you so mind your fucking business! Who gives a fuck if she did or not!?"

" Damn, I just asked a question.." John's voice trailed off with his hands up.

See what I mean, he's bipolar. You'd honestly think that he was the pregnant one because lately his mood swings have been all over the place... They say every man experiences something crazy when his girl is pregnant and in this case, he got whatever his is twice as bad.

" Thank you for that lovely speech, Pac." Cheese smiled sarcastically and looked at me. " Would like to go next?" He asked.

" I don't want too and I don't think it's something I should share."

" Kayo, you better start talking like forreal. Fuck your feelings, we want to listen so take that shit for advantage." Pac scuffed still piping hot about whatever it was and he was really starting to piss me off.

" Aye yo, chill with all that tough guy shit alright!" I yelled over at Pac. " How the fuck are you going to tell me to take advantage of y'all wanting to listen when you can't even hold a fucking conversation when somebody pissed in your cereal."

Pac sucked his teeth and slouched down. " Whatever bruh, it's whatever you want."

Right now, I wanted to kick his ass and that's what I'm about to do. Everything in me wanted to tear him to shreds, but if I did, he'd get got for something that he don't even have nothing to do with.

" So Kayo, if you stop mugging Pac, we would like for you to continue." Corey spoke softly while gesturing that the floor was mine.

" I honestly don't want to talk about it but I see that if I don't, someone would trip at me for no reason I might as well." I shrugged my shoulders and exhaled with my hands over my mouth.

Ain't this about a bitch. All I could was shake my head and laugh.. This whole idea of another touching my girl and her letting him sounds crazy as hell. Wooow man, this is seriously what it's come to.

" T got a boyfriend and I don't like it.. I don't like it at all."

I stopped tapping my foot and looked up at everyone with their jaw dropped.. Everyone except Cheese, he looked like it phase him.

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