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" Can you even look me in my eyes and tell me you love me?" He asked.

For second she thought about it..

The same love she had for him in '96, is it the same love she has for him now?

He was the father to their children, he was a great man all around and he'd bend over backwards for them. He'd grown as a person, but was he enough?

" Yes, I love you." She replied with a nod as if he asked her a stupid question.

" Then why don't I believe you?" He asked stepping. " What has he done for you that I can't?"

" It's not about that, it's far from that." She sniffed looking down at her nails. " Trust me when I tell you that I love you."

" How long have you and him been going on with this?" He asked pacing the floor trying not to cry himself. She was slowly ripping his heart into pieces.

" I've known him for almost over ten years. I'd met him when I was with someone else but it started before our last child was born."

He stopped in the middle of the floor debating on acting like a complete idiot but he had to realize that wouldn't solve anything. " That's almost six years, are you serious? You've been intimate with someone else for almost six years?"

" We've only been intimate about twice, I didn't want to because I felt so guilty and terrible. I haven't done anything with him in years, I promise."

He'd wondered if this was his karma for his own infidelity. He'd talked to another years ago before the birth of their third child and wondered had she done this for revenge. He was beginning to feel everything she felt.

" Believe me when I tell you that I love you. I never meant for things to go this way."

" Is there any possibility that our last child be his and not mine?" He asked then immediately shook his head. " Don't even answer that. Just... Just please don't do it. I've been sleeping in the same bed with a woman I don't even know anymore. How could you? I mean I know I messed up, believe me I have but I've changed to become the best man for us to have the family we've always wanted. How can I believe you when you tell me you love me? How could I look at you everyday and know you haven't been faithful? How can I kiss you and touch you without thinking about what another man has done to you? How do I do this?"

" The forgiveness I found for you is the same forgiveness I would hope you'd find for me. I know what I did was wrong but please don't do this."

" I don't know if I can do this. I don't know anymore. When I made you my wife I knew times would be difficult but, I never would've thought in a million years that you would do this. Out of ALL people, you KNOW what it feels like to be betrayed in such a way! You know how I feel about this too, we've both been through allot."

She stayed quiet and nodded her head taking everything in, ready to pay for whatever consequences he was willing to give her for her actions. She had one more question, this question would be her closure.

" Where do we go from here?" She asked looking in his eyes, hoping for any ounce of sympathy.

" I don't know." He shrugged.


" Don't get me wrong, I love you.. I do but you need help." She yelled.

" No I don't, get away from me!" He yelled hoping she go away. " I don't need your help, leave me here!"

" Baby, I'm trying to help you. Let me help you, just let me take you home." She said trying to help him up from the ground.

" No! I don't want help! Just go away leave me where I am! I'm no one, just leave me.. Let me suffer alone."

She took a deep breath and stepped back from her husband almost about to cry. He had become the exact man he wanted to stir away from. He'd finally driven himself insane. He was gone.. too far gone.


" We can't hide this forever." She said making him think about it. He was better off dead.

" I know, I know we can't." He responded in a frenzy. " I just need time to think."

" We don't have enough time to think. We need to tell someone, I can't keep this secret. This is happening between us, WE did this."

" I need to think!" He yelled. " I can't think! I can't do this!"


" Let me take away your pain." She said. " Let me show you what's it like to be loved. Let me help you be the person you'd been afraid to become."

" Don't believe that!" He yelled making her head pound. " I should've loved you better! I'm willing to do it right this time!"

She looked down at the bottle in her hand and cried. She was confused, she didn't know what to believe. Her life was beginning to fall apart.

She was living a lie, she wanted it to stop. All of it, she needed it to stop! The pain haunted her, she couldn't even look in the mirror anymore. It all had to go away.

" Make it stop!" She screamed pressing her temples. " Why me!? Help me!" She cried balling herself up.

" Why me?" She cried rocking herself back and forth. " Make it all go away."


" We can get away." He said holding her hand staring into her chocolate eyes.

The intimate vibe seemed to have change, for her at least. No matter how many candles were lit, how soft the music was the idea of going away scared her, she loved her family.

" I don't want to go away, I just want to feel anything besides this. Everything's falling apart."

He gently pecked her soft lips to eliminate the fear in her eyes as it would ease the pain." Just breathe." He whispered softly in her ear.


We've changed.

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