Chapter47- I mean... Weeeell

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" You know what, nevermind." Janet replied shaking her head. " I won't betray her trust like that. I'm sorry, if you don't understand why I'm doing it and knowing that I have her best interest at heart, I can't tell you. I shouldn't have to explain this to you."

" Really, Really? Are you seriously going to do that?" I asked sitting up being that she had gotten up.

" Yes, I made a promise to her that I wouldn't say anything. She needs this time away and as a mother and as a partner I understand her decision." Jay shrugged. " Hell, I don't know why I haven't done that."

" Cause you're not fucking crazy." I snapped. " Well... You ain't that crazy, you love me baby and you know it."

" Pac, just respect my decision as your partner.. Even though you might not agree with me, respect it. I'm not changing my mind and whatever happens will have happened for a reason."

" You know, you can be so damn stubborn sometimes. Just so damn stubborn." I snapped walking up to her. " I mean, I love the fact that you and Li are getting along so well but dang."

" Babe, I can't." Jay replied with her eyes softened. " I'm sorry, she put her trust in me and I can't break it.. Just give her time. If she doesn't show in a few days then I'll consider saying something but until then I'm not saying anything."

" Okay hardball, do you." I said grabbing her and putting her on the bed. " Doooooo you!" By now I was hovering over her and tapping her nose as I spoke.

" You not mad at me?"

There she go with those eyes, I couldn't say anything because she got me. At first it was just her rubbing my head and now she's staring into my eyes. " Of course I'm mad, but I understand it's what you gotta do, you got that."

Janet sucked her teeth and rubbed my head rolling her eyes. " Don't be mad, don't do that because you know why I'm protecting her."

" Because she put her trust in you and I appreciate that.. I'm not even gonna be nosey any more."

" Thank you." Jay smiled as I fell over on my back. " You know you are so nosey and overprotective right?" She asked straddling me with her palms lying flat on my chest.

" And you know that you're extremely stubborn and a spoiled brat, right?"

" I know." She smiled leaning down so our noses touched. " But this spoiled brat keeps you happy and satisfied."

" Cause you're the jealous type, that's why." I chuckled caressing her thighs. " You give it your all so there's no need for someone else."

" And that's why you're a smart man." She smiled making me chuckle. " You're in too deep already, two kids too deep." She said sitting up with a smirk.

" A ring, two kids and one on the way."

Jay looked down at my hand on her stomach then back at me with her face scrunched up. " I'm not pregnant again don't speak that on my life." She snapped.

" Okay, deny it for as long as you want but I'm telling you. I know for a fact it's something in there."

" Yeah, the food I ate earlier." Jay snapped. " Just because I've been feeling off doesn't mean that.. I could be getting sick or I could have the flu."

" If that's the case then why aren't I sick?"

" I don't know!" She snapped with a shrug like she was getting an attitude. " Maybe your immune system is just stronger than mine. Don't be so quick to write me off."

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