Chapter2- It Take 3 To Hold A Convo

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After my boys and I left the party we headed straight to the crib. I got something to drink and headed up stares to my room then called Janet.. After two rings, I heard her sweet voice.

-" Hello?" Janet said softly into the phone.

" Hey, this Pac, I didn't wake you did I ?" I heard a little movement on her end sounding as if she sitting up.

-" No, I was just looking at my ceiling."

I smiled and nodded as if she could she me " Okay good because I wouldn't want to be the dude that interrupts your beauty sleep." I chuckled and she did a light laugh.

- " Surprisingly ,I don't sleep as much as people think." She admitted.

My eyes got as big as day " Really?"

- " Yeah, I could go to sleep at one o'clock in the morning and still wake up around eight."

" How in the hell is that possible?" I asked trying not to sound completely mind blown. " I know if I go to sleep at one, I won't be up until twelve o'clock."

- " I guess I'm just an early bird, huh?" She chuckled.

" Well whatever you're doing slide me some of that."

- " It's called balancing, try some of it."

We both chuckled and I nodded " So you got jokes? I see you."

- " No, I've just always been that way."

" You're just a go getter?"

- " Call it what you want."

As soon as she said that, my boy Q called my name. " Aye Pac, get the phone!" He yelled from downstairs.

I quickly thought of who it could be and nobody came to mind. " Uh, Janet do you mind holding real quick?" I asked praying she would say that she doesn't mind.

- " I don't mind, I'm not doing anything anyway."

I was one relieved and two, shock " Oh, so I'm just somebody you talk to when you get bored?" I asked causing her to laugh.

- " Of course not! Now go do whatever you need too."

" Oooh, I like it when you're demanding." I chuckled.

- " Whatever boy." She sounded like she was smiling through the phone and that was a good sign for me so without hesitation I jumped and grabbed the house that I had in my room.

" Hello." I grabbed the phone and laid down on my bed.

" Hey Pac, it's Lisa." I immediately jumped up. I totally forgot I told her to call me.

" Oh hey Lisa, what's up?" I tried changing my tone to sound as if I was waiting on her to call.

" Nothing, I just got home. What's up with you?"

" Just laying down... Staring at the ceiling, that's all."

" Well is the ceiling inspiring you?" Lisa asked.

" Maybe.." I thought about something. I couldn't keep Janet waiting so I put both phones on speaker with each one on opposite sides. " I'm baaaack." I sung on Janet's side ( which was the right side )

- " Okay cool, so what did you do?" Janet asked .

" I umm, I had to get something." I said quickly before looking over both my shoulders.

After a while of taking to Janet and Lisa, I began to play music as I listened to both my angels voices. It became difficult, discussing two different topics, so I brought them both into one topic.. Which turned out perfectly until...

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