Chapter34- Troubling Twins

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" Hey!" Before I could even turn around, Darren had his arms wrapped around my waist. " What are you thinking about?"

Before I could say anything, he kissed my cheek and started to tickling me. " Huh?!" He mumbled in my ear. " What's on your mind?"

" Darren, it's nothing now stop because that hurts." I snapped pulling away from him with my face scrunched up.

He wants to be under so much lately I can't even breathe! Darren has gotten way more clingy.. Almost like C- Nope! Not even gonna say his name! No nope noooo! Uh uh I just can't after the way I've treated him, but I found my soulmate. I'm just completely unable to him anymore for his own good and I'm not what he needs in his life. He needs a stable, beautiful, intelligent and loving woman and not me.

The fact is that apparent is my aunt was right about everything she said. I'm completely unable to love a man like him because he is too good for me. I'll settle with Darren just like I have been doing for over three years.

" So babe." Darren yelled snapping me out my thoughts. " I was looking at your closet and I think you need to go shopping. So how about I take you to the mall?"

I couldn't help it, a slow smile crept onto my face that I tried to cover at Darren making sound effects. " Aaaah, see! There's my girl."

Darren ran off somewhere then came back with a bag pack and sat it on the table. " You know what you gotta do right?" He smirked twirling the stereo remote in his hand.

I walked over to him and leaned over the counter. " Pick your song." I smirked.



I was over at Tia's just kicking it with one of my favorite girls. We haven't really just had time to chill with each other. The kids were running around outside while we sat inside and had a drink of wine, just for a little chat.

" Yeah girl, he gets on my nerve." Tia rolled her eyes and took a sip of her wine making me laugh.

Her and John are always going at it because they're too much alike. She thinks I'm lying when I say that but it's the truth! They smile alike, laugh alike, think alike and practically the same person. Trust me when I tell you that these two are argue just for us.

I sucked my teeth with a smile and shook my head. " Yeah right, you two only put that up because we're around. When y'all are by yourselves it's over."

" I love his ugly behind though, that's my baby." She smiled. " But tell me about all this girl Kay is dating now."

Tia and I maybe very close cousins and even act alike sometimes but one thing about her is that getting in ain't easy. Just by her demeanor I could tell she a not not going to like what I'm about to say so the best thing right now to do is to let her talk.

" Whoever she is, she got ya' kids talking bout her like crazy." She snarled shaking her head.

" Weeell." I sung rubbing my cheek against my shoulder. " Lynn is nice girl and she's pretty cool. I mean, I like her." I shrugged.

Tia damn near choked on her drink when I said that. At first she threw her head back at me then sat her drink down with a sour face. " So she got a nickname now?"

" She calls me Temmy and I call her Lynn, we hang out allot ya'know." I shrugged. " As a matter of fact, we have plans for this weekend."

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