Chapter52 - Priceless Moments

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It's been a little less than two months since everything was working towards getting fixed and just to be around each other like old times, Jay and Pac had a very intimate pool party with Lisa, Sean and the kids from Ky to Sean's daughter Adriana.

Right now, the kids were running around out back while Pac held Janet close in the corner of the pool.

" Uh uh, imma need for you two nasty asses to get from in the corner of the pool like that!" Lisa yelled walking over with Sean behind her.

Janet shook her head with a chuckle as Pac kissed her neck. " Lisa, don't come over here with that." Janet chuckled.

" Yeah, you know you can't stand up over here." Pac snapped making every one except for Lisa laugh.

" Shut up!" She snapped rolling her eyes getting in. " And you know it's deep over here when you got a little platform that you can sit on that's still about two and a half feet deep."

" I guess." Pac shrugged. " Baby you know this is going to throw off your tan, right?"

" Pac, leave me alone." Janet snapped before hitting him while he laughed. " Can we just sit in peace, you'd be so much more attractive if you'd be quiet."

" Says the girl who's going to have an uneven tan, you how you are with being evenly tan all over."

" Woooah, time out." Sean sung with his face scrunched up. " We don't wanna hear that, that's nasty."

" Yeah, we don't wanna hear about how she sunbathes. She's the only one over here who do that white people shit and besides, I already know she has an even complexion all the way around."

Pac scrunched up face and tried to stay calm. " And Lisa how you know about her being the same complexion all the way around?"

" Pac, I'm not about to explain to you how I know. Just know I know."

" See, now you gotta get off me cause that just turned me off." Pac sung sitting Janet next to him.

" Shouldn't have been turned on anyway." Lisa snapped sticking her tongue out at Pac.

" Nah I'm with Pac, that's a little weird Li." Sean shrugged. " Just a little bit."

" We're girls." Janet shrugged. " She came in my bathroom while I was taking a shower to see if I had something in my cabinet."

" Well what was she looking for?" Sean asked. " Li, you couldn't wait until she got out the shower?"

" No, it was urgent and I didn't know she was in the shower at the time."

" So you would've been fine if she was on the toilet taking a shit?"

" Wooooooah, now you're being a bit much." Janet snapped with her face scrunched up.

" Yeah Pac, you're acting like something happened."

" First of all, Lisa you're a flirt." Pac blurted out. " Now you!" Pac yelled pointing at Janet. " Don't even get me started on you, your sexuality is still something I question."

" Shut up you horny fuck." Janet snapped back at Pac rolling her eyes. " And if something did happen so what, we're grown that ain't your business."

" Damn." Sean chuckled making Lisa hit him in the question.

" You shut up too, you and Pac are both in the same boat. Besides, I don't swing that way."

" But you make let her smack your ass and give you raspberries on your neck."

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