Chapter28- Don't Come At Me

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Talking to Kayo made me feel better I guess. It had begun to rain and the kids weren't home because they have more of a life than I do. Right now, Kayo is staying over at the house so it doesn't bother me much because I'm upstairs and he's downstairs or the exact opposite.

I got up from the couch and went to make myself a cup of coffee... Maybe more than one cup.

While the coffee was brewing, I looked over at the picture of Jabari I had sitting on the counter and I started to think...

Maybe he did understand what was going on. I made sure they didn't see it though, he had to know something was wrong.

Before Jabari would leave or anything he'd always hug and kiss me and tell me he loves me.. That's why he would do those things, because he'd sense I wasn't happy.. Or as happy as he's useto seeing me.

I heard knock on the wall and snapped my head in the direction of Kayo trudging up to me with his hands in his pockets.

" Hey." I smiled pouring the coffee into a giant mug.

Kayo walked up to and kissed my cheek with his hand on my lower back. Damn near sending chills down my spine. " How you feeling?"

" I'm okay, just making me some coffee, do you want some?"

Kayo shook his head. " Nah, I'll get some later."

I shrugged and smiled at the fact that I was going to murder this coffee. " Suit yourself!"

I walked back over to the couch and started to watch a little TV with the blanket wrapped around when it started to thunder. Scared the crap out of me.

" You scared?" Kayo giggled staring at me.

God, I hate it when he teases me about being afraid of Thunder so I sucked my teeth. " Noo."

" Noo." He mimicked in high pitched tone of voice.

" You know what, I-" Then it started to thunder extremely hard and loud scaring me so bad.

" I know that you're so afraid of Thunder you just jumped in my lap." He giggled.

I was too afraid of Thunder that what he was saying didn't even bother me. The thunder was too much for me and I refuse deal with it by myself. It seemed like it started to louder and more terrify that I had to cover my eyes and lay my head no his chest.

" Make it stop!" I yelled curled up on his chest.

" Hey hey, it's okay." Kayo whispered pulling me closer. God, I hate it so much.

I curled up in his lap and rubbed my thigh then started to rock me in his arms. " I don't know why you're still scared, but it's okay. It won't let it get to you, I promise."

The he'd rock me in his arms, I felt more relaxed and safe. I rubbed his cheek then kissed him softly.

" Thank you." I said softly.

I looked into Kay's eyes and he didn't say anything, he just gave a toothless smile then kissed me.


" I'm going to get'cha!" Ashton yelled from behind me.

I tried to run as fast as I could, with Tanner and Ashton trying to get me I was a hopeless case.

" Got'cha!" Tanner yelled grabbing me and picking me up.

Imagine how it feels having an eleven year old, pick you up and throw you on his shoulder. " I got her Ash!" He yelled causing Ashton to run over to his.

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