Chapter44- When It Gets Funny

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I was sitting down on the couch watching tv in the dark with my head throwed back. I sighed taking a deep breath and rubbed my face after hearing the sound of feet creeping behind me, I saw Jabari standing there.

" How can I help you?" I asked looking back at him.

Slowly, Jabari moved his hands away from his mouth and stood up straight. " Daddy, what are we going to eat? I'm hungry."

I patted the empty spot next to me and watched as he trudged over to to the space. Just as he sat, Kam stood infront of us. " Daddy, can Aunty Sunny come over and stay with us?"

" Yeah, can she come cook for us too?" Jabari asked sitting up straight. " Can she make us spaghetti?"

I nodded and pointed at the phone as Kammy scurried over to grab it. " What's Aunty Sunny's number so I could call her?"

" Here, give me the phone." I dialed Sunny's number and as soon as the phone rung Kam walked off so I wouldn't hear her conversation.

" Daddy, you think Aunty Sunny got a boyfriend?"

I threw my head back with my eyes squinted and stroked my chin. " Why would you ask me that?"

" Eeh, no reason."

Slowly, I looked away from him and knew what he was getting at. One reason why him and I clash so much is because we think so much alike but he's way smarter than me at his age.

" Jabari, just know you're not slick. I know you better than I know myself."

" How is possible?" He asked leaning over on my arm. " How could you know me better than you know yourself?"

" Well THIRTY YEARS FROM NOW; when you have a wife, a job that makes allot of money and a nice big house. You'll understand what I mean."

" Dad, I'll be old by then.. I'll be like thirty-six and that's really old."

" Okay, Twenty-five years from now sounds reasonable."

" What if I have a baby earlier than that?" He asked with hus face scrunched up. " What if I have a baby when I'm twenty-two and I only have a girlfriend and an apartment?"

I looked down at him and shook my head. Why the hell is he so smart? Like why does he know so much to only be six years old? Where does he get it from?

" Just be careful with your decisions." Was the only thing I could think to say. " I just want you to be prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and financially."

" Huh?"

Now he's behaving like a little kid.. Too many big words for him to understand so I happily broke it down. " You have to be prepared with your mind, your body, your feelings and your money."

" Oh yeah." Jabari smiled with a nod then his smile faded. " What if Kammy has a baby at Brit's age?"

" Then daddy's going to kick her ass all around the house because Brit shouldn't even have had a baby at seventeen."

" I told Brit I didn't think it was a bright idea for her boyfriend to come over all the time.. I told her not to kiss him either cause mommy said kissing leads to babies but that girl is hard headed. Tried to make it seem like I don't know what's going on, I know what those noises are."

" And what were they?" I asked nervously and what made it worse was the fact that he had a smirk on his face.

" Uncle Pac said those sounds come from movies...Scary movies." He shrugged with his shoulders risen.

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