Chapter6- Something's Up With You

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~ Katherine

I was doing my usually routine of cooking and cleaning because everytime my children come over they have a ' request ' that I should cook for them. I started preparing food and after I put some chicken in the oven the doorbell rang so I washed my hands and answered the door.

" Hi mother!" Janet said embracing me with a tight hug.

" Hello little girl." I hugged her stepped aside for her to enter and she strutted her way right on in.

" Hello mother. " I saw Rebbie and she smiling so I gave her a hug.

" How you?" I asked as she stepped into the house then we walked over to living room and sat on the couch.

" I'm doing fairly well with Austin and Christina. How have you been?"

I sighed and got comfortable on the couch " I'm fine..  Won't complain." I said shrugging my shoulders.

Rebbie raised her eyebrow with a concerned look " Are you okay?"

" I'm fine, besides, my problems shouldn't become yours. "

Rebbie was still looking at me raising her eyebrows and I could tell that she wasn't going to let go " Okay, if you say so."

I heard heels clicking and this is the perfect time to change the conversation. " What is your sister doing?"

" I'm right here mother. Where's Joe?" Janet asked putting her hands on her hips.

" Child he's with your brothers."

Janet nodded her head and sat down beside Rebbie " Okay then."

" So Ms.Janet, what is making you so happy?" Rebbie asked slapping Janet's thigh.

Janet couldn't help but smile and try to act like nothing was up " What are you talking about?"

" Janet you're glowing,  we seen strut all through this house with a smile so something is up with you.." I know my child all too well to know that some thing is up.

" Yeah Jan, it's quite obvious.  What is it, are you getting loose?" Rebbie so called ' whispered ' to Janet elbowing her.

" Well if you must know, I have been talking to someone for a while now."

" Yes, you told me that, but who is he?" I asked.

" I haven't ! Jan, why didn't you tell me!?"

" I haven't talk to you ."

" You could've called me!" For some reason Rebbie feels like Janet should've called her knowing Janet is very private. besides, the phone works both ways.

" Uh, the phone works both ways." Just as I thought, Janet said..

" But what is this mystery guy's name?" As I asked defusing this bomb before it started.

Janet sighed then started rubbing her leg as a distraction " His name is.... Tupac." She mumbled.

I jumped in my seat and smiled " Tupac? As in Tupac Shakur?" I said knowing there is only one Tupac she was talking about.

" Yes, Tupac Shakur." Janet said with a smile sending me on edge.

" Lord Jesus!  Hot diggity dee!" I was getting all excited. Child, if I was a few years younger and could swing my hips he would be mine.. but I'm not old.

" Wait, wait, wait. How did this happen?" Rebbie asked.

" Well, we met up at a party, we started talking and we recently went on a date."

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