Chapter16- Baby Just Let Me..

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For the life of me I can't understand what this man has on Lisa! I love Lisa like she's the only woman on the entire planet. Everything about her is breath taking. From how extremely smart she is to her kind ways and I don't know why he doesn't see that like what is it!? He can't love her the way she needs to be loved but I can. As long as Lisa and I've been friends I gotten a chance to study her, what she likes and what she doesn't. The thing that's making me the most angriest is the fact she keeps running right back to him. If he just stopped coming around trying to be some dude that we all know he's not then everything would be fine. He's having a baby with her so why should he had another chance at her heart? All I want to do is keep my faith and pray that God sends her back my way again because I don't know how much longer I can see her hurt from his mistakes.

" Maybe she's not ready Sean." My good friend Jessica said rubbing my back.

I tapped my foot against my bed with hands over my mouth in deep thought. " Understand why not." I felt defeated, like I had lost a match before I even got started.

" You're an amazing man and any woman would be happy to have you."

" But why not Lisa?" I asked.

I felt Jessica shift and get up from my bed then she sat Indian styled in front of me. " Have ever thought that God is trying to teach her something?"

" Teach her what?"

Jessica shrugged and brushed her hair behind her ear. " I don't know." She replied. " It could be that you're the one for her. He's not going to bring her your way until she's ready. Let her fall flat on her butt one more time and she'll see."

" I don't know how much more this I can't put up with." I said. " It's worse this time because she's pregnant and doesn't need all this stress on her."

" God could also be trying to show you that life doesn't revolve around Lisa as much as you think it does. He could be telling you to live a little, date around and do something stupid for once."

As soon as Jessica said that her and I both chuckled lightly at the thought of it.

" I am pretty up tight."

" Please, Lisa has you wrapped around her pretty little finger and it's hard for anybody to get to you because you're so stuck on her."

" That's because I love her and I know she'll come my way and I don't want to hurt anybody."

" Just like she's hurting you?"

That shot me straight up and all I could is rub my face with a sigh.

" Just think about it, you're looking for someone that she doesn't see in herself yet." She said. " Try getting love wrong with someone that's not her just one time."

" With who, might I ask."

Jessica shrugged looking down at her fingers. " I don't know." She said.

Of course, I thought to myself.

The room sat silent for a brief second until Jessica looked up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes like she had some stuff on her mind. " Or if you just looked right in front of you.."

I furrowed my brows and looked at her like she was absolutely out of her rabbit ass mind... Then I thought about it.. Everything.. Jessica was there and had my back.


At Pac's house everything was okay. John had his kids, Cheese had been talking to Ashley, Kayo was just relaxing around the house and as for Pac, he was just there doing whatever he does when he's alone.

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