Chapter25- Kyran

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Ever since I found out my baby was girl Tionne has been getting under my skin about it. My little girl is going to something serious. Right now, we're out again but this time with Chilli.

" You want some, Lisa?" Chilli asked before taking a bit of her food.

My eyes widened and I couldn't help but smile. " Sure!"

" Damn shame, look at how quick she smiled." Tionne said looking up from her plate with a straight face.

" Come here." Chilli patted her lap and let me sit on her as I began to taste some of her food.

I didn't want to eat all of it so I got off her lap and started to eat my own food. " Thank you, it was good."

" Isn't it?" Chilli smiled up at me.

" Both of y'all are nasty." Tionne looked at us both in disgust. " You both enjoy eating these nasty concoctions of Chilli's."

" I finally got someone who looks at my food and enjoys it." Chilli smiled while dancing like she had ultimately won. " Thank you baby." She leaned over and kissed my belly.

" Did you tell her yet?" Tionne asked with a smile.

I was beginning to get sleepy for some reason. I shook my head as I yawned while rubbing my belly. " No, I didn't tell her yet."

Chilli looked up with the most confused and priceless facial expression that was absolutely hilarious. " Tell me what?"

" I'm having a little girl." I chuckled, I becoming okay with saying that now. My baby, is just my baby and I'll love her regardless.

Chilli gasped and started cry as pulled me into a hug. " Oh my gosh." She cried. " We're having a little girl."

" C'mon Chilli, calm down with all that!" I chuckled pushing her dramatic ass off of me.

Chilli still had tears in her eyes with one hand over her mouth and the other one over my belly. " Oh my gosh and she's going to be so beautiful."

Then all of a sudden, Tionne burst into a fit of laughter. " We're having a baby bambi!"

" Oh I get it!" Chilli snapped. " I'm Pocahontas, Tionne is Tinker Bell and You're Bambi."

" No shit, because of my eyes." I'm over it, almost completely over it.

" You think our little Miracle is going to have your eyes?" Chilli asked. " Ooh she'll be so beautiful with you eyes."

Now I started to go through this phase, talking about my baby made me emotional. " Chilli, let's not talk about it."

" Why, what's wrong?"

Just shook my head and smiled. " No reason, thinking about my baby just makes me want to cry."

Chilli scrunched up her face in awe. " Why?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and tried to hold back tears. " It's a little overwhelming like I'm still in shock a little.. Like I have little girl growing inside of me every day, someone who listens to my heart beat every day like it's their favorite song.." Then there it was, I started to shed a tear.

I sucked my teeth and dropped my fist on the table. " Damn it, I was trying not to cry!" I smiled.

" Aww, continue continue." Tionne said shaking her hands over at me.

Chilli looked away from me with a smile and shook her head. " Dawg, she gon make me cry and that's not what I planned on doing right now."

" It's going to be someone who loves me for me and I'll love her so much more than she could ever possibly imagine because I already do... Even on the days I might not show it."

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