Chapter39 - The Wind On Your Face

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I had just gotten home and I was fuming! Everything I saw was RED oh, I was steaming mad. I looked around the living room and upstairs for her, but She wasn't there. I heard something from the kitchen I rushed down there and I tried to keep as much of my composure as I could.

Just as I stepped over to the island, she turned around from the fridge with a smile.. What in the hell was she so happy about after she got rid my baby?

" Hey Babe, what do you want for dinner?" She asked. " Want me to cook or we just order in and cuddle up together since we barely do it."

" We can order something if it's good with you, I guess." I shrugged watching her nod her head.

The look in her eyes was so sincere and it made a small part of me wonder... It wondered to how innocent she seemed to look. She wouldn't just get rid of my baby like that and she couldn't. Her heart beats for children so why would she?

" Uuuuh Babe?" She called leaning over the counter snapping me from my daze.

I cleared my throat and sat up straight rubbing my face." Yeah, what's up?"

" I got you steak and shrimp, is that okay?"

I quickly nodded my head to try and distract her from asking me what was wrong. " Yeah that's fine."

She walked over to me and took my hand to walk over to the couch. Once I sat down Jay walked away then came back with this knitted beige blanket that we'd always found comfortable. Jay came and sat in my lap resting her head in between my right arm which was on the arm rest.

Once she was comfortable, she rubbed my chest and spoke. " How was your day, Babe?"

I took a deep breath and covered my mouth for a second trying refrain from my prior thoughts. " It was uh, it was alright."

" Are you o- ouch!" She hissed quickly placing her hand on her side. " M-hmmm, that hurts." She whined.

This pain must be what Dr.Z was talking about earlier. " You good?"

Janet was in so much pain she didn't even speak, she just nodded her head and burried her face in my chest.

The more she suffered, the worse I felt just watching what she was going through. " Show me where it hurts, Pooka."

Janet grabbed my hand as she trembled placing my hand where she felt the pain coming from.

" Right here, Pooka?" Janet nodded her head and gripped onto my wrist as I tried to rub the pain away watching her flinch.

" Ouch!" She winced. " Please stop, please stop, baby please stop." She whined scaring me.

" Okay, I'm sorry." I leaned down and kissed where my hand was then kissed her forehead. " What's wrong with you?"

" Just pain in my abdomen, I'll be okay."

I didn't bother saying anything back. Shortly after, our food came so we sat at the table to eat and it still burned a hole in my mind to see if she was going to tell me.

" I told you about my day, tell me about your's Pooka."

She looked at me like that took her by surprise by the way she sat up. " Oh, it was pretty fun actually. I've been laughing so much I'm surprised I don't have a headache today."

" Damn, I'm glad you're having fun at work." I chuckled to myself.

I decided to wait a little longer and after dinner but I needed answers and my whole approach depended on it.

He's Mine!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora