Chapter42- Tasting Strawberry Lemonade

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" I still don't think it's fair that we got Nea and left Jaja." Pac whined for the hundredth time.

A few days ago, we picked up Nea from Tone and Ken's house because Sydney wanted to come home. Johan didn't want to leave and if he wanted he did, we would've tagged along. Neither Tone or Ken were bothered so it was okay.

" Babe, calm down." Janet sighed and sat down across from Pac holding Sydney close as he kissed her head.

Peyton came up to me and stood between my legs with a smile. " Wat ti doin'?"

" Daddy's getting on my nerves.." Janet sung with her on Peyton's back and tummy to keep her in place.

" Wan beat him?" Peyton asked with brows risen and her left hand pointed at Pac.

Janet shook her head and sat Peyton in her lap. " Uh uh, that's okay. You can get him later."

In that moment Janet sat in awe in the mist of a daze. Even though they weren't together, Pac had an affect on her that no one else had or could compare to. Just watching him hold Sydney close to his heart with his chin on her head made her feel hot.

" You know after a while we're going to have to take the pacifier from her, right?"

Pac looked down at Sydney who had been rubbing his chest and shrugged. " She's good, we'll take it from her when she gets older.. Maybe two and a half?"

" Iduno." Jay shrugged rolling her eyes lightly.

" Can daddy have it?" Pac asked looking at Sydney. She didn't say anything so he tapped her. " I'm talking to you."

Sydney slowly rose up from Pac's chest and rolled her eyes just like she's seen Janet do a million times. " Waaat?" Sydney sung irritated.

Janet tried her hardest not to laugh in his face but she could barely contain it. They were making the same face at each other. Their eyes were slightly lowered as if they were staring at each other's noses and it was hilarious to watch.

" Can I take your bow bow?" Pac asked. " Please?"

Sydney took her pacifier out of her mouth and tried to put it in Pac's. " Hea Dayadeh."

Pac shook his head and tried to dodge Sydney trying to force her pacifier in his mouth. " No, you good baby."

Sydney scrunched up her face at him and drew her hand back getting ready to slap Pac across his face but he caught her hand just in time.

" Little girl, why you always trying to hit me?" Pac asked shaking Sydney by her wrist. " You so abusive, you and ya brother."

" No!" Sydney yelled making Pac throw his head back.

" You not gon do nothing?" He asked Janet. " You gon watch her try to hit me?"

" It's whatever." She shrugged rubbing Peyton's belly.

" Aight." Pac sighed rubbing Sydney's back. " I'm about to go head out."

Janet scrunched up her face and sucked her teeth like that destroyed her. " You're not going to stay until they go to sleep?"

" I don't know, I was going to go somewhere for a while." He shrugged.

" Can you at least stay until The Little Mermaid is over, they'll be sleep by then."

Pac sucked his teeth and took a deep breath cursing himself under his breath. Pac knew exactly what Janet was doing and he couldn't tell her no because he wanted to stay with her and the kids just as much as she did.

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