Chapter7- Making It Official

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Lately, I've been thinking… It's been five months since the divorce and I really wasn't wrong for the things I did, she kept testing me. Every morning I wake up, look at her picture and think how much I miss her and how much I need her. I remember a time when she useto wrap her legs around me and lay her head on my chest. Those were the days. When she useto say she loved me… She didn't know much of spanish but when I taught her a few things she said I was her Calestis Amor…

Yeah, I was her Heavenly Love. Those was the good ole days. You know what!? I'm going to pay her a little visit. I got up, got dressed and thought of how I was going to see her.. I called our old neighbor Juan and after two rings he answered... Well, his wife.

" Hello?"  Mia said softly. She was sexy, I could've been smashing her on the side. Mia had nice long black hair that cascaded down her back to her nice firm butt, The sexiest long legs that led up to a place that could drive any man crazy, the most mesmerising blue green eyes and a skin tone that complimented them.

- " Hey Mia, it's Rene."

" Oh my gosh, hi!" Mia sounded extremely happy to hear from me. " How are you?"

- " I am doing pretty fine thanks for asking. How have you guys been?" I honestly didnt care but for conversation sake I was willing to listen.

" We have been fine, you have to come see your godkids they are growing up so fast."

- " Awe yeah, we have to set that up.. Hey, Is Juan there?"

" Um yeah, I'll pass him the phone."

- " Thank you so much." With in two minutes Juan had the phone.

" Hey mexican bitch! What's up?"

- " Nothing, I need you to do something for me."

" Sure, what is it?"

- " Go to the window..."

" Uhmm."

- " Look and see if Janet's car is there."

" Uhmm, Wait!! Hell no!! I am not about to partake in any of the stupid shit you got up your sleeve." Then Juan started cursing me out in spanish telling me how stupid I was being and blah blah blah.

- "  You already told me everything I need to know." I said with a grin then I hung up the phone right in his face.

After I hung up the phone,  I jumped in my car and headed over to Janet's house. Within thirty minutes of a drive I knew what I wanted, how to get it and with a smile on my face. When I got out the car I knocked on the door and saw Janet... She looked as if she had just saw a ghost with her jaw dropped.

" Hey baby, close your mouth you are going to catch flies." I smiled and closed her mouth.

" Rene, what in the hell are you doing here?" Janet said with a hint of fear in her tone.

" That's no way to talk to your Calestis Amor." I pulled her close wrapping my arms around her waist and gave her a kiss then mushed her out of my way. " It feels good to be home.. I seen you've changed the place up a bit."

" First, Why the hell are you here? Second, You can go to hell and third, Get the fuck out!" Janet started to raise her voice while pointing to the door. There's that angry black woman mentality of hers.

" Relax baby, there is no need to get all loud but you always did have a bit of a bad temper." I said as I plopped down on the couch.

" Oh, no, no, noo, don't get comfortable... Get the fuck or I'm calling the police... Or I can just kick your ass myself."

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