Book2: Chapter3- A Break

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Janet had finally gotten a chance to calm down her son and her next step was to fix that little girl.

" Jasmine!" Janet yelled making her youngest rush into the room. Lyla knew at five, that if her mom called her by her middle name she was in trouble.


" Yes Mommy?" Lyla sung with her hands behind her back. She knew she was in trouble, it was all in her mother's eyes.

" What's the problem?" Janet asked already knowing what she'd done. Her older brother Royale had already snitched on her.

Lyla stayed quiet, afraid to answer.. Even more afraid already knowing what would happen to her later on as soon as Janet put Elijah down.

" Am I talking to myself?" Janet asked after not getting a response. " Any other time you want to talk and tell on other people. So I'm going to ask you again, What's the problem?"

Lyla still didn't say anything but now she had began to cry. " Now you know crying isn't going to do anything but piss me off but I got a trick for you." She smiled.

Lyla didn't know what that meant and she feared it, but she knew either way she would get in trouble. What she didn't know is exactly what her mother would say next.

" Wait til your father gets home."

" Nooooo." Lyla cried shaking her head. For some odd reason, Lyla feared her father and she'd known not to play with him at young age.

Just as she was crying the two heard the front door close indicating that Pac had come home and surprisingly earlier than expected but right on time. Janet laughed to herself and shook her head at his timing, she'd always felt that whenever she talked about him, he'd show right up.

As soon as Pac made his way into the room he smiled at the sight of his wife. Pac immediately walked up to her and planted a kiss on her lips. " Hey babe, what's up?"

" Nothing much." She shrugged eyeballing her daughter.

Pac followed his wife's eyes all the way over at his daughter and scrunched up his face. " What she crying for?"

" Because she knows she's about to get an asswhopping."

" Asswhopping?" Pac asked standing up straight. " For what?"

" Would you like to tell your daddy why you're about to get your asswhopped or would like for me to do the honors?" She asked already about to tell him.

" Well it seems that your daughter has a problem keeping her hands to herself. Look at what she did to Elijah."

Pac looked down into Janet's lap to see that their seven year old had large gash on the center of his forehead. As soon as Pac saw it he was immediately upset. " Baby do you see how big that is?"

" Mhmm, I saw all the blood and everything." She replied. " But I should've caught her when she decided to hit him. Then again; If I would've caught she definitely would be dangling over the balcony right now."

" Wait wait.. Tell me what exactly did she do."

" Elijah was playing with his cars and your daughter started bothering him and trying to take his things. When she started getting on his nerves, he tried to get away from her and once he got by the stairs she tried to push him down-"

" Wait!" Pac said parting his legs with his eyes now locked on his five year old. " You can continue." He wanted to be comfortable for the rest of this and think about exactly how to handle her.

" She tried to push him down the stairs but he was holding on to the railing when she realized he wasn't going to let her have her way, she snatched the car from him and hit him in the face with it."

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