Chapter35- Regrouping Ja'lisa

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Love Ky


" Baby!" Pac yelled over Johan crying.

Janet had just walked out came from the bathroom and was thinking so calmly like she always did when both of them cry. " Hm?" She hummed lightly batting her eyes.

" I think he might need a bottle or su'um because he just trippin' like allot."

The first thing Janet did was scrunch up her face and shake her head as she walked over to Pac holding Johan. " Baby, I literally just fed him and changed him like two minutes before I went to the bathroom."

" Oh.." Pac sighed looked at Johan. " So what you doin' all that whinin' for? You three months now, we don't that crying shit no more."

Janet just shook head and walked out of the room to go her number one priority as of right now. She picked up Sydney or Nea; what everyone seems to call her now.

Sydney had been screaming at the top of her lungs and it wasn't until she saw Janet over her crib that she began to simmer down.

" Good morning Nea; Mommy knows what your problem is." She smiled kissing Sydney's cheek causing her to smile and coo.

" JaJa, you be with that bull man." Was the first thing Janet heard when she walked back into her room. " I'm telling you, yo mama got you whipped and she need to-"

The sound of Nea beginning to cry again filled the room stopping Pac's thought pattern. " Aye!" He yelled trudging up to them. " Silence child!" He yelled making it worse.

" Keep playing and you're going to feed her and not me."

" You know she don't take bottles so why would you even say that?" Pac just hated the simple fact that Janet had one up in him with their daughter because from the moment she saw light, that's been his everything.

Not only was she the youngest, but more so that she had been a daddy's girl from the womb. She was born to be a daddy's girl her name even meant that she lived for him. Sydney Myrelle Lesane which meant Sydney Adores Lesane, her father's birth name before being changed. She meant more to him than anyone or anything in this world, his little warrior princess is what came to mind when he thought about her.

Janet just rolled her eyes and began to feed Sydney while she watched Johan stare up at the ceiling fan and make little noises like the ceiling fan was the most amusing thing ever. It was almost the cutest thing she has ever saw. Just kicking his feet and smiling and screaming everytime Pac lean over and blow on him to make it seem like it was coming from the fan.

" Alright alright, stop him from doing that because Nea nosey self keep stopping everytime she hear him scream."

Pac sucked his teeth and picked up Johan from where he was laying. " Ain't nobody tell you to come in here and do that anyway." He mumbled as she pushed his head.

" I heard that, you jerk." She snapped rolling her eyes at him.

All Pac could do was smile and lean on his elbows trying to kiss her. " Gimme kiss." He said making her giggle.

" No, now move!" She yelled through laughter making him giggle.

Pac put up Johan and infront of her and started to make him dance with his feet dangling. " Gimme a kiss, Mommy!"

Janet just shook her head and gave Johan a kiss then gave Pac one to make him shut up.

" Look at this girl, she so comfortable with her hand on your chest." Just as Pac was talking, Sydney started rub Janet's chest slowly.

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