Chapter51- Let Me Hold You

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" If anything happens after this promise me you won't ever lie to me or keep anything from me, just promise me that one thing." Pac asked Janet looking up at her with the most sincere eyes imaginable.

She gave a light a smile and rubbed his head. " I promise, I won't ever lie to you or keep anything from you. "

" Thank you." She leaned down and kissed his head before gently rubbing it.

It was well past midnight once again. This time Pac just wanted to feel loved from her, it didn't matter what they did as long as he'd be able to lay under her to feel her warm embrace. Janet could tell something was wrong with him but it didn't matter. She felt flattered that he'd chosen her to be his safe haven.

" Baby, I'm tired. I'm just so tired ya'know I feel like I've had enough. People just lying and keeping things from me, what have I done wrong?"

" Nothing, you've done nothing wrong." Janet whispered to him. " It's not your fault, I'm sorry this keeps happening to you."

" Am I a bad person?" Pac asked looking up at Janet.

" Oh Honey no, you're not a bad person." Janet snapped feeling her eyes begin to water. " No no, you're not a bad person at all. You're amazing, just very misunderstood."

" If I'm not a bad person then why am I losing you?"

Janet gasped to herself a little as a tear fell. She quickly wiped it away and shook her head. " I'm not going anywhere, I won't ever leave you."

" I don't believe you." Pac sighed.

" We have children together, I can't keep you away from them and I won't because they love you too much.. I love you too much and just because we're not meant to be doesn't mean I don't think you're a good enough father for them, you're everything to us. We made them together out of love and I won't take that away from you because I'm upset or hurt."

Tupac sighed of relief with a slow nod wiping his face from allowing her to see the tears that fell. " Thank you so much."

" I won't ever hurt you that way, I'm not them. I know the person you are."

They shared a brief kiss that got interrupted by Lisa walking in. " Well damn, can I get one of those too?"

Janet just chuckled to herself as Pac shook his head. " What the hell are you doing here, anyway?" Lisa asked again.

Pac sucked his teeth and turned his head. " I live here, this is our house."

"Whatever, I just came to see what was wrong but I see. I'll go back to sleep."

Lisa just shook her head and walked back out of the room closing the door back behind her. Lisa wasn't going to say anything right away because she could tell it was something more than this and at the rate they're going their breakup would be alot harder than it was already going to be.

And it seems like right after Lisa left, that made a gateway for Sydney. She stood with her pacifier in her mouth and blanket held tightly in her hand.

" Mumma, tu seepin?" She asked although the room light was on.

" No baby, mommy's not sleeping."

Sydney scrunched up her face and tilted her head to left noticing a head on her mother's chest. " Dayadeh?"

" It's me princess." Sydney smiled cautiously walking over to them. She climbed right up and laid on her daddy's back.

" I loff tu." She sung rubbing his back.

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