Chapter48- I'll Let You Know

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" Daddy!" Lena yelled running into my lap.

I caught her with a smile and pelted her with kisses all over her face. " Goodmorning Princess."

" How come you stayed here last night?" Was the first thing she asked.

I looked at Vanessa, who stared at me with the same face. Vanessa put her hand up over her head as if she was putting on a crown which meant that I should fabricate the truth.

" Because I wanted to spend more time with you while Li is away."

" Why? Where is my sister PeyPey?"

From the corner of my eye, I knew Vanessa was getting a little upset that Adriana was calling Peyton her sister when Adriana calls Pey that on her own. " She's with her Mommy Janet."

" Why did LiLi go away without you and my sister?" Adriana asked with her face scrunched up. " Is she okay?"

" Oh yeah." I replied faking a smile. " She just had to do something that made her really need space."

" Can we call her, I want to talk to her."

" Sorry Princess, she doesn't have phones around her. She just went away but she'll be back."

" Are you going to hug and kiss her when she comes back like you always do when you two are apart? LiLi really likes your kisses."

" I'm going to give her every last kiss that I don't give you."

" Good, she needs it especially from you.. LiLi loves you daddy."

" I love her too." I smiled just thinking about her.

" I know you do, Daddy." She smiled.  " You're going to marry her and live happily ever after."

" Eeeeh, we'll see what happens." I shrugged.

We ate breakfast and basically did allot of things together... Family things and it felt right. I loved this time, I mean spending it with the mother of my child and my baby. A small part of me felt guilty, I felt like I was failing Adriana as a parent. She's supposed to have a family and us doing this isn't going to help her.  What if Li and I actually do find some way in hell to get back together and then Lena starts to think that hell froze over and we got back together. She doesn't need that confusion but before I do something, I think I'll go pay Pac and Jay a visit. Honestly Jay has become like a sister to me, a big sister that I can tell anything to.



" Awww Sunny, are you trying to make me fat?" I asked as she sat this nice plate infront of me.

" No, I just figured why not?" She shrugged with light laughter as she sat across me.

The kids sat in between us, Jabari on my right and Kammy to my left. Let me tell you that they was sat and ate looked as if they hadn't eaten in days. Even though I cook, I ain't really up for it like I ain't really been in the mood so we'd eat whatever they want.

Don't ask me about T. I don't know what she's doing, the girl hasn't returned any of my phone calls or even talked to our kids in a few days. At this point I just want her to disappear, not out of anger nor frustration but out of love. She just gotta go far far away and chill. Don't even care what she does, as long as she don't drag the kids in it... That's all I ask.

" After this Sunny, let's get the ice cream and brownies." Kammy sung with a smile as she danced around.

" Cool, I got you."

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