Chapter49- See How This Goes

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( This song tho..)


I'd been sitting in my cave since I barely come in here. I'd either write, watch stuff I can't watch with the kids, blaze or just think. Right now, I was laying back on my love seat thinking.

And I can tell you that when I start thinking, it's not a good thing to some people.

" Babe!" Jay yelled coming down the stairs. " What do you want to eat?" She asked leaning against the self.

I looked at her for a quick second then looked back up at the ceiling with a sigh. " I'm not hungry."

Jay sucked her teeth like she had an attitude and rolled her eyes. " I don't even fucking care anymore." She snapped before storming off.

I rolled my eyes and kicked my feet. Debating on whether or not to get up and I wasn't going to do it now. She's been having an attitude with me allot lately. A little too much and I know it'll blow over soon.

I looked at the pictures of my babies I had on the entertainment center and smiled. The ones of them at the beach, at the park and playing around the house and shook my head again.

" Let me find out what's this girl problem before she comes back down here with that mess." I sighed and got up.

I trudged upstairs and walked into the kitchen to see her aggressively cutting up some vegetables. " Pac, leave me alone don't come in here with that."

" But what did I do now?"

" Pac, leave me alone because I'm not trying to get angry." She snapped.

" If you not trying to get angry then talk to me, here you go with that shutting down crap. You always wanna do that."

" Hm-hmmmm." She whined titling her head back. " Baby, C'mon. Please stop."

" No, I don't know what the hell you got going on. It's starting to get on my nerve like allot."

Jay looked up at me like she wanted to read me from point A to Z but quickly shook her and tried to walk past me. " No, we're going to talk about this now!" I snapped snatching her back, forcing her to sit on the counter.

" Well maybe I don't want to talk so leave me the hell alone!" She yelled back nearly sending me into a shock. " You've been walking around with an attitude for the longest and then you get mad at me for having one back!?"

" Man, gon on with that shit."

" Hell no, you wanna walk around with an attitude and not eating how in the hell is that supposed to make me feel if I'm the reason why you're doing this to yourself!"

I sucked my teeth and went to touch her but she snatched away. " Look I'm not mad about anything, just a little hurt that's all."

Jay rolled her eyes and scoffed folding her arms. " Alright, I'm done. I don't even want to have this conversation anymore."

She went to hop off the counter but I grabbed her arm and put her right back on the counter. " No, it's obviously something bothering you that you need to get off your chest."

" I don't want to talk about it, leave me alone."

I wasn't even going to fight her. I just kissed her forehead and put my hand on her thigh. " When you're ready to talk, I'll be downstairs."

After that, I guarantee that not even five minutes after I went to sit down she came downstairs into my cave. " You really wanna know what's bothering me?"

" Yes, that's all I wanna know."

" Why do you want me to have another baby so bad?" She asked. " What is it?"

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