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The next morning, Melody was awoken by Hermione throwing a pillow at her. Melody softly groaned and then yawned before grumpily sitting up.


"Can you walk?" Hermione asked urgently.

Melody swung her legs over her bed and attempted to stand up. To her surprise, she could finally stand.

"Good. We have about two hours to spare so get ready and meet us in the common room. I have to go wake up Ron and Harry."

Once everyone was dressed, they all met in the common room. Melody and Harry refused to sit by each other, which confused Ron. Malia joined them a few minutes later.

"Hi, you could sit by me if you'd like," Harry smiled.

"What's going on?" Ron mouthed to Melody. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"Um... what are you doing here?" Hermione tried to ask as nicely as possible.

"Harry invited me; sorry if I'm intruding," Malia chuckled.

Ron sent Harry an alarming look and then shared a confused look with Hermione.

"Okay, what's going on?" Ron asked, breaking the silence.

"Nothing," Harry answered a little too quickly.

"I can leave..." Malia offered.

"No, stay," he smiled warmly.

"You know what, I'm going to go meet with Elijah. Good day to everyone except Harry," Melody left the common room.

"Damn," Ron coughed.


After Melody's last class, she decided to go to McGonagall's office to discuss what's bothering her. McGonagall and Melody had almost a mother-daughter relationship. McGonagall poured the two of them tea, and she silently listened as Melody rambled about Harry.

"And then he invited Malia this morning and-"

"I know what you need," McGonagall interrupted.



"Me and Harry?"

"No, your friend group just in general," McGonagall answered. "I mean, you've all been through hell and back. Cedric was held hostage and, from what he told me-barely survived. Harry went through a lot last summer; Dean showed me the letters since he was utterly concerned. Elijah's parents are fighting for custody, and Elijah doesn't even get a say. And you, Melody, I don't even wanna recall what you've been through." Melody shrugged and mumbled in agreement. "Then it's settled. You and your friends should meet here in about an hour."

An hour later, Melody and her friends reluctantly agreed to try therapy. Elijah didn't want to do it, but after hearing that Melody was up to it, he wanted to try at least. Cedric surprisingly was grateful to McGonagall for mentioning it. Then Harry was... well, he was Harry.

"Good, you all made it!" McGonagall exclaimed. "Now, this is Miss Delainy." A chorus of hi's were spread amongst the friends. "She'll be your therapist! I've got to get going, but good luck!" McGonagall left the office, leaving the therapist and the kids.

I'll Still Love You Tomorrow | Harry J. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now