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It was late at night and I was in my studio working on music.

It was late at night and I was in my studio working on music

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I set up my laptop and went live. I was waiting on my food.

"Hello ARMY. I am in my studio working on some music." I said.

"What music? Ah nope can't tell you. I would get in trouble for spoiling anything." I said. I continued working on my music and the beats I want. I looked at the comments.

"Advice for coming out to my friends and family. I'm Gay. Oh sweetie I was scared for a long time but I had friends and my family who supported me and love me for me. Listen to your heart. If you're heart is proud then you should be too. It takes time to be confident but work at your own pace. I'm very proud of being a bisexual and I decided to come out even though I knew I would get hate. Don't listen to those who don't support. They'll only drag you down. If they can't be happy for who you are and what your sexuality or religion is then they shouldn't be in your life. You rise with the support not fall the hate. Go for it Hun. You only live once. It's better to go for it then it be too late." I said.

"Omg our Pride Queen😍😍😍"

"Omg I love you so much. Your words always inspire me.😭😭😭"

"Tala wish me luck on my exams!! Ah good luck. Study hard. Fighting!" I put my fist up.

"Tala it's my birthday. Mahal Kita.❤ Oh happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear ARMY. Happy birthday to you." I sang while clapping my hands. I cheered.

"Mahal Kita." I blew a kiss. I soon heard a knock and got up. I looked through the peep hole to see my food. I opened the door and thanked the guy. I closed the door and sat down. I set my drink in the cup holder. I took out my food and chopsticks. I started eating.

"I've gotten so used to chopsticks that I forgot I'm filipino and we usually use our hands because we never had spoons or forks." I said chuckling. I started eating and reading the comments.

"Congratulations to your dad for getting engaged. I'm happy for your family😭😭 Aww thank you. I'm happy for my dad. It deserves all the love in the world. I'm actually the maid of honor." I said. I got a call. I looked and seen Yoongi. I sighed. I answered and put it on speaker while eating.

"Bubba I'm okay." I said.

"I know I am watching the Vlive. I was just calling to see if you wanted me to pick you up soon or head over?" He asked.

"It's okay bubba. You need sleep." I said.

"Well I'll be okay. When you're by yourself, I worry so I can't sleep. I'm on my way okay and I'm not listening to you so don't try and have me not go." He said. I looked at the comments.

"ARMYs are saying hi." I said.

"Hello ARMY, you'll see me soon because I'll be eating with my kiddo." He said.

"Aish oppa I'm not a kid anymore. I'm 18 gonna be 19 soon." I said.

"You're my baby sister so accept it kiddo." Yoongi said. I sighed.

"Okay see you soon. You know my password." I said.

"See you and I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said and hung up. I looked at the comments.




I giggled at the comments.

"Ahh yes I get a lot of love and they are protective of me. Even though I'm an adult, they still see me as a kid and their baby." I said. I took a break from eating to wait on Yoongi. The door opened and I looked to see Yoongi. He sat in the chair next to me.

"Hello everyone I'm here." Yoongi said.

"I haven't finished eating because I was waiting for you." I said. He nodded. I looked at the comments.

"Yoongi what do you think of Tala as the person she is now then she was before?" I read.

"Well Tala has grown into an amazing young woman. She is our princess and is beautiful. She is warm hearted and puts herself before anymore else. She is very talented and I couldn't be proud of her. She is truly a good person and I'm glad she is becoming more happier. She was quite shy but still feisty once getting comfortable with us. She always was in charge even though she wasn't the leader. She was always and still acting like a noona to us. She is our rock, the glue that brings this band together. It does upset me when she gets hate and she is crying and dealing with pain. I'll always love this girl." Yoongi said. I cried a little and dabbed my eyes as Yoongi hugged and kissed my head. I looked at the comments.

"Awww no Tala don't cry😭😭😭"

"Yoongi is such a sweetheart when talking about Tala😭😭💜💜"

"I love their relationship they have. It's too cute😭😭💜💜"

We talked for a little bit more until it was time to end the live.

"Goodbye ARMY. Have a good day or night." I said.

"Bye ARMY." Yoongi said. We waved and I ended the live. I threw away our trash and drinks. I packed my stuff up and logged out of my computer. I cleaned up and we left. I went in Yoongs car. I buckled up. He started driving. I soon fell asleep.

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