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I was at dads resting. I set my laptop up on the end of my bed. I started the live and put my hair in a messy bun and my glasses on. I got my phone out and went on my Vlive.

"Hello ARMY. It's your girl Talan. I'm sorry I haven't been on Vlive for a while. I've been resting since the Cultural Merit Award and still am so bare with me." I said in English.

"The boys are in Osaka for first day. Ah yes they are. I'm upset I won't be joining them on tour but I wouldn't be able to do anything in my condition and I'll only be dragging them down so I'm resting at my dads and step moms with my baby Lilo." I said. Lilo came up and layed on my lap. I pet him.

"Omg he has gotten so big!!"

"He so adorable😍"

"Tala and Lilo are back together."

"Ah yes he had gotten big. I have missed him. Isn't that right Lilo?" He barked lightly. I looked at the questions.

"When are you coming back to Philippines? I don't know. When we go on vacation, I'm gonna go to the Philippines." I said. My stomach growled. I pouted. I heard a knock.

"Come in." I said. They opened it.

"Oh hi Eomma." I said.

"I made some food for you since your dad is working." She said. My eyes lit up. She came and placed the food on my desk. Lilo got up and fixed his position on the bed. Eomm grabbed the laptop and placed it on my desk. She came over and helped me up. I sat down.

"Thank you Eomma." I said. She kissed my head.

"If you need anything just shout out. Hi ARMY." She waved at the camera. She left. I ate while looking at the comments.

"I love how she treats you like her own daughter. She is such a sweet person. Aww thank you. I love her as my real mom." I said. I drank some water.

"Tala get well soon. Aww thank you. I'll try for you guys."

"I bet the boys miss you. Ah yes they do. They have called me like 3 times a day since they left without me to tour. I appreciate their love and protectiveness." I said. I finished eating. I talked with ARMYs for 45 minutes before I ended the live. I got up and went with my phone to the living room. Eomma wasn't there. I seen a note.

"Rose should be here while I'm gone to get groceries." I said.

"Hey baby." I turned and kissed Rose.

"I just got done with Vlive. What you wanna do?" I asked.

"Well don't you need to shower so I can rewrap it and clean it?" She asked.

"Yeah but I can't because of my injury." I said.

"Then I'll join you and help you." She said. I sighed. She left to start the shower while I got clothes ready. She helped me get undressed and locked the door. We got in. We cleaned each other and soon got out. We got dressed. I sighed. She kissed my cheek.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I said. She kissed my neck and left marks.

"Babe I could get in trouble." I said.

"It's okay. That's what makeups for." She said.

"You can't wait til I get better." I said.

"You wouldn't have to do anything only me." She smirked.

"Now. But my mom could come back." I said.

"It won't take long." She said. I guessed and shivered at her touch.

|40 mins later|

"It won't take long my ass." I said getting dressed and fixing my hair. She got dressed while laughing.

"You begged for more." She said. I rolled my eyes. She put make on my neck. Mom came home and Rose helped her with groceries. I got a call. It was Yoongi. I answered.

"Hey bubba." I heard screaming.

"We are talking to ARMYs. Say something." Yoongi said.

"Hello ARMY. Sorry I can't see you guys but I miss you and you'll see me soon live. I love you." I said in Japanese. I heard screaming and I laughed.

"ARMYs are singing your parts." Jimin said.

"Ahh good job ARMY. I'm proud and I'm there is spirit." I said.

"Well we'll let you rest and we love you Tala." Yoongi said.

"Love you too oppas." I said. He hung up. I went out and left to the living room.

"Here is your chocolate milk and snacks." Mom said. I hugged her and thank her. Me and Rose watched movies in my room while snacking until we fell asleep.

Maknae of Bangtan Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon