MMAs 2018

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|November 30|

We went to the doctors for a check up. The boys and my dad and Step mom were with along with manager. The doctor took an xray. He came back.

"Everything looks great Tala. It won't fully heal for a couple months but you can resume your everyday life just no heavy lifting or pushing until the 2 months are up." He said. My eyes widened.

"Really?!" I said excited. He laughed.

"Yes. You healed pretty quick but yes you can go back to dancing." He said. I nodded. I left back to the waiting room. They got up.

"So?" The boys said. I smiled really wide. I moved my arm around. The boys ran to me and hugged me.

"You'll be performing with us at the MMA and MAMAs." Joon said.

"He said I can resume to my everyday life but won't be fully recovered for another 2 months. He said I can't do any heavy lifting or pushing for the next 2 months." I said. The boys sighed.

"Well let's go then. I'm glad to see you back and performing." Manager said with a smile.

"I am too." I said. We went back to Bighit to practice for the MMAs. The boys showed me and the choreographer told me parts.

"We won't tell ARMYs you're back. You'll be hidden so you won't be driving with us and you'll be going through the back way into the building." Manager said. I nodded. I learned my part.

|Next Day|

I got dressed for the award.

They curled my hair and did my make up

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They curled my hair and did my make up.

They curled my hair and did my make up

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We left in seperate vehicles. I was able to get inside unnoticed. I got dressed for my special performance.

 I got dressed for my special performance

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