It Drives Me Crazy

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"I'm so glad I got to see you," Kun says smiling and hugging his best friend

"I know.. Same here, man. Take care... I'll text you after my nap," leo yawns

"Lazy ass," Kun chuckles

Neymar bites down on his bottom lip and walks away before they notice. He should've known. He was so god damn stupid. Lionel was in love with him. He was in love with Kun.

"Babe," leo says walking into their room

"Leo..." Neymar says quietly

"What's wrong? I've been looking for you. I thought you were gonna wait for me."

"I did.. But you were late for our date.. So I left,"

"Ney- oh god! I'm so sorry.. I lost track of-"

"Save it. I saw you with him leo.. If you didn't like me then that's all you had to tell me. I don't need your pity."

"I love you, Ney. Kun is simply my best friend and I wanted to catch up to him. I'm sorry."

"Whatever.. I'm tired.. Good night,"

Lionel falls asleep in the same bed as Neymar does. But Neymar doesn't let him touch him. They're each in each side of the bed, contemplating. Neymar is a very insecure person. Little things like this really affect him so Lionel knows that it's probably an emotional roller coaster for him right now.

It's not long before Lionel wakes up to soft sniffles and sobs. He listens quietly. It's Neymar.

"Babe.. Are you okay?" He asks tiredly

"I'm fine leo.. Go back to sleep,"

"Neymar what's wrong ? If it's about Kun then you don't have to worry about anything.. You know that I don't like him.. I love you for God's sake.. And I never wanna see you cry or get hurt.. Especially because of me,"

Neymar stays quietly.. But then he falls on top of Leo. In the dark, Lionel can truly see what Neymar really is. He's so fragile, so breakable. It scares him that one day he's going to break the small and gentle Brazilian.

"I love you so much, Ney.. Never forget that. I'll always love you.. It's so scary.. I swear I get so scared when I think about how in love with you I am. I never expected to fall so deeply in love with you. But here I am. I love you. I'll never love someone the way I love you.. I'll never do anything I do for you for anybody else. You're my one and only. My other half. And it's scary that if one day, you choose to leave me, I'll be left like this forever.. Broken."

"I love you so much, leo.. I'm sorry I got so upset over something so little."

Neymar leans in to kiss Lionel. Lionel wraps his arms around Neymar's smaller frame. Neymar moans into the kiss as Leo grabs his butt and gives it a squeeze.

"I'm gonna fuck you senseless right now," Leo says switching up their position

"Oh shut up," Neymar laughs

Lionel soon has him moaning and a sweaty mess.

"You look so hot under me,"

"I always look hot."


Sorta short.. Idk..

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