Angry Sex Maybe?

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"No Rafa.. I do care! I'm your brother! I have to care! So stop this little girl shit! I have other things to worry about!! You're not my only priority you know !!"

"Right! Leo is. He's your main priority! Why him huh? I'm your sister !!"

"We are seriously not gonna have this conversation! Leo is different and you know it. You're my sister and he's my friend.. And you know you come before everyone else but this is just stupid! Stop being such a whiny 5 year old!!"


Neymar groans. His sister can make requests that drive him insane. But he never wanted to get into such a heated argument with her.


"Ney.. Can you get me water?" Leo asks looking up at him

"Sure," Neymar says

He's trying hard to forget the past hour. But the memories of his sister and their argument cloud his vision.


"Thanks, babe."

They're laying on the couch, watching a random movie that Leo chose. Neymar isn't really paying much attention to it.

"Hey Ney.. I think there's oranges.. Can you bring me some?"

"Sure Leo..." He says a little annoyed

Leo gives him a weird look.

"Are you mad?"

"No I'm not fucking mad!"

"Okay calm down.. I was just asking"

"Whatever.. I'm just gonna go," Neymar groans

"Ney.. Don't leave.. Please."

"Leo.. I'm really not in the mood for anything right now."

"Please.. Just stay and cuddle with me."

Even though Neymar is angry, he still stays. He has a huge mean face but Leo doesn't care. He's gonna make Neymar forget about his terrible temper somehow.

"You look hot when you're angry," Leo says


"Okay what the hell happened Ney? Why are you so upset?"

"Why are you so fucking nosy?"

"I'm sorry.."

"You're always sorry."

"Stop being so mean! What the fuck did I do?" Leo yells upset

"Stop fucking asking me shit god damn!"'

"Are you on your fucking period? You're acting like there's a tampon deep in your ass!"

Neymar groans and immediately gets on top of Lionel, making the older one blink a little as Neymar's weight crushes him a little. He pins Lionel's arms above his head and closes the gap between them roughly.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard."

Leo feels Neymar start grinding down on him. He's breathing extremely heavy and Leo knows that this guy needs to blow off some steam. So he lets Neymar take full control.

"Get ready for the best night of your life, baby."

Neymar's teasing tone lets Lionel know that his boyfriend is coming back. He doesn't mind that his legs are being spread wide and that it kinda hurts a little. Neymar's member teases his hole a little before it is being pushed into him.

"Fuck, Ney!"'

"Damn you're so fucking tight Leo. "

"N-no shit! I'm not usually on the receiving end,"'Leo groans

"We should really change that. You feel
So good !"


Neymar is being a little rougher than he has been before. But Lionel likes it. He likes the way Neymar wraps a hand around his neck while he thrusts unevenly into him. His thrusts are shallow and he loses his rhythm at times.

But it feels good. Lions loves it. He loves the dirty words that Neymar Spits in the heat of the moment.

"Shit Leo.. Oh fuck baby!! I'm coming!"

"M-me too! Oh.. NEYY!!"


"You and your sister are always arguing,"
Leo groans

"I get to fuck you every time we do."

"I hate you! I'm sore!!"

"We can always lie and say your knee is-"

"Fuck you."

"You just did but okay, I don't mind round two," Neymar winks

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