The Wedding

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Neymar paced back and forth. He couldn't wait to see Leo. There were many feelings rushing through his mind. There was so much he wanted to say to Lionel before he decided to make that huge step. He didn't know if the things he would say to Lionel would make him second guess things and make him regret the whole wedding. Neymar knew that it was too late for that. Plus, he really didn't want to stop Lionel from getting married.

He looked around. He saw Antonella. She looked beautiful. Sometimes Neymar was jealous of her. She was able to give Lionel something that he would never be able to. It burned his insides. He closed his eyes and breathed in. It was happening. It was all going to happen. The relationship that he and Lionel had was about to take a drastic change.

Neymar knew that it was for the better. It made him both excited and nervous. But he was not scared or regretful of anything. He knew that it was all well once he saw Lionel. His face reassured him that everything was okay. He saw the children. They were so beautiful, an exact replica of Lionel. They had nothing from anyone else. Neymar wished they had his eyes.

Everything was buzzing in his ears. The people clapping and cheering. He was in deep. There was no return from the deep waters he was about to swim in.

"If I am being honest... there were many things that I wanted to tell you, tonight... leo.. there were so many things I wish I could've said earlier and now I know nothing of what I wanted to say. I didn't want you to change your mind. But I didn't want you to go through this without knowing everything. I guess... what I'm trying to say is that... I love you. It's simple. I love you. And I know that I get you angry sometimes and I know that I baby our children way too much."

"I know that there are so many things that I should.. and that I definitely could change about myself. But I am so thankful that you love me regardless. I don't know where I would be without you. You are my compass. You are my home. You are the path to eternal happiness. I am forever thankful. Thank you for giving the chance to love you. Thank you so so much. I am so happy that after tonight... I will be able to call you my husband. But not only that, the rest of the world will also know
Who you belong to."

The last line made Lionel blush. It also told everyone who was the top. They shared a very passionate and intimate kiss while the crowd clapped.

"You didn't think I'd change my mind right?"

"I was praying to the gods that you wouldn't."

"I love you, Neymar. You are the one for me. "

"for all eternity?"

"For all eternity."

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