Short Temper

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"Cristiano! Come back! Cris!! You can't just leave when someone says something you might not agree on."

"I don't want to stay here and hear people say dumb shit."

"Cris.. What's got you so hot lately? Anything anyone says makes you act out. This isn't you," his mother says softly

Cristiano becomes more frustrated by the minute. Every little thing becomes too much for him to handle.

"What's wrong with you baby? This isn't who you are."

Cristiano swallows thickly. He feels his body become hot and needy. He closes his eyes and breathes in deeply. But he catches a scent he can never forget. It's scent that has been driving him crazy for the past few months. He opens his eyes, searching frantically for the owner of the scent, whom he knows very well.

"Cris.. Control yourself.. Your eyes.."

Cristiano turns to the mirror and sees that his dull, almost black eyes, have turned into a piercing ocean blue.

"You need to get yourself together."

"He's here," Cristiano growls


"My mate."


"I'm so glad you could make it," Cristiano's father says welcoming everyone

"Lionel here finally chose to leave the house for once," Lionel's father says chuckling

"Cristiano is upstairs. You can head up if you'd like, Leo. I know these types of things are boring."

Lionel swallows thickly but leaves nonetheless. Lionel bumps into a woman when he's walking up the stairs. He apologizes but she's still looking at him weird

"Sorry," she smiles

Lionel nods his head before looking in front of him. He knocks a few times before he hears Cristiano say a very forced "come in"

"Leo.. What're you doing here?" Cristiano asks

"My dad forced me to come to the meeting," Lionel says

"I thought you'd be doing homework."

"I finished."

"Of course you did," Cristiano rolls his eyes

"It wasn't that hard you know."

"Whatever. Once my father can't do this anymore I'll be the alpha and going to school would've been nothing but a waste of time."

Lionel sighs. Cristiano has no vision.

"You don't see past your wolf life," he says

It gets Cristiano a little angry.

"Short vision."

"I only need to see what's important. It's not a short vision or lack of aspiration, it's priorities and destiny."

"You don't see past this. This isn't you cris. This isn't the only thing out there. This isn't everything that you are. Do you understand that? This is just a tiny piece of the person that you are meant to be. Why are you so easy to satisfy? "

"You need to focus on what you're supposed to do Leo. What're you think is gonna happen? That your pack is going to wait for you until you're 90 and have fulfilled all of your needs? What about theirs? They'll need you. When you live like us you can't afford to be selfish. It's not about your needs Leo, it's about the needs of your people, your family, they're all counting on you."

"It's not that I am easily satisfied. It's just that I know what's out of my reach and what isn't. I'm not picky. I take what's mine and leave whatever isn't."

"What's yours then?"

"You. You're mine."

Lionel soon finds himself against a wall. Cristiano isn't doing anything to him. He's simply staring at him with deep blue eyes that swallow every little inch of him.

"You get me so fucking messed up. I can't control myself around you. When did I become so weak?"

"It's okay to feel helpless at times. It's okay to fall in-"

"Shut up. You will never understand. The gods are so cruel to me. Why? Why the fuck would they give me you? Why!?!"

Lionel flinches when Cristiano starts screaming. He isn't in control of his wolf at the moment so it makes Lionel nervous.

"You know the crazy thing is I knew from the moment I met you! I fucking knew it. As soon as my father introduced us. God you were so beautiful and innocent. I couldn't believe you were real. I didn't know angels could walk the earth."

"Cris.. It's okay.."

"No. It's not okay. I'm not supposed to be in love with you. I'm not supposed to lose control. I thought I could handle it. I never saw you in any other way. I simply thought you were beautiful. It was so pure. My love for you was pure and untainted. But now. Oh god, oh my god. Every inch of your body drives me insane. I just wanna take you every time you're around."

"Then take me," Lionel says

Cristiano feels his wolf scratching through the surface. He swallows thickly as he looks down at his prey.

"No. I can't. You're supposed to stay innocent forever. Untouched."

"I want you."

"Leo.. Don't do this.. I can't.. You know I won't be able to control myself."

"I trust you, cris. I know you'll take care of me."

Cristiano looks down at him. He's definitely grown. He's no longer the little kid he would play tag with in the playground.

"You don't love me."

Lionel looks up at him with a hurt expression. Cristiano looks down at him angry.

"Get out. Just get out, Leo. I can't."

"Y-you're r-rej-jecting me?"

Cristiano sees his eyes begin to water and caresses his cheek gently.

"I'm not going to take you. Not until you're ready."

"I-I am! I.. I love you!"

Cristiano wasn't ready. He feels something soft against his lips and he knows what it is. His eyes begin to close slowly. He takes control of the situation by wrapping his arms possessively around Lionel, pulling him in closer.

"You need to stop this before I really can't control myself, Leo."

"I trust you."

"You're not ready Leo. It's okay. We have our whole lives ahead of us," Cristiano says smiling

"Can I sleep with  you ? Please?"

It takes Cristiano every inch of will power. But he mangoes to control himself. No one makes him lose his temper like Lionel.

"You're so beautiful."

"Let me sleep!" Lionel groans

"No," Cristiano says before turning him around and getting on top of him

He's careful not to hurt Lionel. He touches a few parts of his body, trying to get to know Lionel on a more personal level.

"C-cris!" Lionel moans out when Cristiano takes a hold of his more sensitive body part

"You're hard Leo. I thought you were supposed to be innocent," Cristiano smirks


"Whatever you want princess," he says looking down at him hungrily


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