It Was Never You Part2

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Lionel wakes up dizzy the next day. He feels arms wrapped securely around him and smiles, thinking that it is Cristiano. But these arms feel a little too familiar. He opens his eyes to see Neymar sleeping.

He sighs and gets out of his grip. He doesn't really remember what happened last night. There was so much yelling and screaming. He'd rather forget everything at this point.

He has not forgiven Neymar and nor does he think he will. He walks out and jumps in the shower. Hopefully things will be clear afterwards.

"Good morning," Neymar says as they sit quietly at the table

"Hi.. You're still here?" Lionel says looking up at him

"Leo.. Cmon.. It was a mistake.."

"How can you say that? You were cheating on me for a very long time for it to be a mistake.. You can go.. I set you free Ney.. Go be happy with that other person," Leo says

"Leo.. No.. You're the one I want."

"I'm not. So please.. Just leave. I'm tired of seeing your face. "

Neymar nodded softly and walked out the kitchen. There was no use in arguing with Lionel  again. But that didn't mean that he was giving up. They were married for god's sake.


Lionel sighs. Cristiano should've been home a few hours ago. He shakes his head. Home? This wasn't his home. But still.. Lionel wanted to see him.

He calls the man. He knows that he maybe looks a little desperate but he doesn't really care. Cristiano doesn't answer though and that breaks Lionel.

He needs that man right now. He feels so broken and unstable.

"C-cris.. Please.. Pick up.. I'm not okay.. I need you,"'

He hopes that maybe Cristiano will at least hear his voice mail. But a few hours later and more crying, nothing happens.

It's at 3am when Lionel hears someone opening the front door. He knows it could only be one of 2 people. And he desperately hopes that it's not his husband.

He walks out of his room and turns on the lights. He stops at the top of the stairs and smiles when he sees a wet Cristiano locking the door. Cristiano turns around and gives him a small smile.

Lionel skips that last to stairs and falls into the man's arms.

"Cris," he sobs

"I didn't think you wanted to see me so I stayed at work.. Then I checked my phone.. I'm sorry.. It was raining.. And the traffic was horrendous!"

"It's okay.. I'm so glad you're here.."

"I came last night.. Neymar and you were sleeping together so I thought you two had fixed things.."

"No. Never. "

Cristiano smiles letting the smaller man go. Lionel is free... Somewhat. And Cristiano will make sure to steal his heart this time. Though something tells him he doesn't really have to try so hard.

"Let's get you changed.. You're wet," Leo groans

"Whatever.. That's just an excuse to see me naked," Cristiano winks

"That's just a plus," Leo says

Cristiano smiles walking up the stairs. Lionel was definitely something. They find sweats that fit him perfectly and Cristiano isn't sure why.

"I bought them for your birthday.. But I was too shy to give them to you," Leo blushes

"You suck," Cristiano chuckles

"Hush.. Let's go to sleep.. I'm tired,"


"A divorce ?!? Are you crazy?!?" Neymar shouts

"No. I want to get a divorce.. As soon as possible Ney.. Don't make this complicated. You were the one cheating on me!!"'

Neymar sighs. This can't be happening. He can't lose Lionel.

"Leo.. Baby.. Please.. I love you Leo. I love you so much. And I swear I'll do anything. Just.. Give me another chance. I was being so stupid.. I'm sorry.. You're the only one for me."

"No Ney.. I just.. I realized that I don't love you.. I'm sorry. This isn't just about you cheating on me. It's about me.. I've realized that what I want is something that I will never find in you."

"Shut up. You're breaking my heart."

"You broke mine first. I'm sorry it had to end this way. I loved you.. I swear I loved you more than anything. And I was willing to do everything and anything for you. But things changed."

"Leo.. Please.. Just.. Understand.. I just.. It was a weak mom-"

"No. It went on for so long Ney.. I don't know how long it was but I know that it wasn't just a one time thing. You broke my heart.. Why? Why did you do it? What did I lack?"

"Nothing.. I swear.. You mean everything to me!"

"You made me feel so worthless.. I can't sleep at night anymore.. I can't think straight.. I can't do anything because I'm always stuck thinking about how I wasn't enough !!! I wasn't enough for you!!"


"No, Ney. Save it. I've realized many things.."


"It was never you.. You were never the one,"


Lionel lies happily in his bed. It's cold and the warmth of his blankets make him feel amazing. He feels like a child, nuzzling more and more into them.

"Good morning sleepy head," he hears someone say

"Morning," he yawns

"Did you sleep well?"

"Very well.. "

"That's good.. C'mon.. Breakfast is ready,"

"Yay!" Lionel jumps out of bed

"Happy two years," he hears someone whisper behind him as the person wraps their arms around his waist

"T-this is cute," Leo blushes

"You're getting shy all of a sudden now?"

"Shut up!" He says

"It's cute.. I like it."

"You always say that," leo pouts

"And it's always true."

"Whatever.. Let's eat! "

He turns around and kisses his lover passionately. He smiles when they pull away and sees the other man grinning.

"I love you so much, Cris."

"I love you so much more."


Cristessi or Neymessi next?

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