You're Not A Kid Anymore

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Neymar licked his lollipop eagerly. He was acting like a little kid and Lionel didn't really understand how his boyfriend could handle so much sugar.

"Ney... How many lollipops do you have? Jeez.."

"shut up. Buy me another one?"

"No. Stop eating so much sugar," Leo sighs

"But Halloween is around the corner.. It's the month to eat candy like tomorrow will never come," Neymar shouts happily

"Well tomorrow will come.. And it will bring tummy aches along with it so quit it."

Neymar bites down on his bottom lip quietly and nods. Lionel sighs. Neymar is very sensitive.

"Ney.. I'm sorry.. I just don't want you to get sick from eating so many sweets okay?"


they walk into their house quietly. The rest of the neighborhood has gotten in the Halloween spirit, already decorating their houses with spooky things.

Leo Neymar haven't done any decorations since Lionel finds it extremely silly. They don't have a kid either so why do that? Though they always end up doing something since he knows how much Neymar loves Halloween.

"Are you hungry?" Lionel asks

"A little," Ney says quietly

"Okay.. I'll make some food.. " Lionel says

Neymar acts like a little kid at times but Lionel doesn't mind. He's really cute. And he only does it when he feels like Leo is mad at him.
"Neymar.. You know I'm not mad at you right?"

"Yeah," he says softly

"Baby look at me. I'm not mad at you. At all. So please stop looking so gloomy and acting so childish.."

"I'm not acting childish!" Neymar pouts

Lionel groans. Sure, Neymar is still very young but sometimes he can turn into a 4 year old.

"Yes you are. Now stop it. You're a grown man."

"Whatever.. I just hate it that everything always has to be so serious.. I know I'm not a little kid anymore but that doesn't mean I have to be serious all the time like you! I'm not fucking 50!"

"And I am?!"

"You act like it!!"

"Well at least I don't act like a fucking 4 year old! Grow up!!"

"You need to live a little."

Neymar walks off after that. Lionel sighs. He's not in the mood for anything right now. Maybe moving in with Neymar wasn't such a good idea. But he soon shakes that thought away.

He wanted this. He still does. He wants to be with Neymar forever. Nothing will ever change that.

He walks up the stairs and into their shared bedroom.

"Ney.. I'm sorry," he whispers as he crawls into bed with him

He hears his young lover sniffle a little. He holds Neymar tightly against him, soothing him.

"I love you so much Ney.. I'm sorry I get so uptight," Leo whispers softly

Neymar only nods, letting Lionel hold him.


"Happy Halloween!!"

"Trick or treat!!"

Lionel was honestly exhausted.

"You okay?" Neymar chuckles

"When is this day gonna be over? Little kids are so... Needy.."

"Don't worry.. Let's just turn off the lights so they think we went to sleep," Neymar says

"Okay.. Let's go upstairs and watch a scary movie," Leo says

Neymar nods, following him.

"Do you wanna watch a specific one?"

"It doesn't matter.. It has to be really scary though," Neymar says

"Alright," Leo says scanning through the channels

Neymar starts to kissing his neck and getting comfortable next to him. Leo gives him a small peck on the lips before going back to finding a movie.

He feels Neymar's lips travel lower and lower.

"Ney..." Leo warns

"Yes daddy?"

And though Lionel hates it when Neymar acts like a little kid... Some words are allowed.

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