Play With My Heart

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"I'm not some toy you can just play with whenever you want! I'm human! Do you hear me? I am not a toy, Leo! I have feelings.. god I have feelings and they're all.. they're all yours.. everything I feel.. it's  you.."

Lionel was taken back by the words. The people around them all held their breath, waiting to hear what Lionel was going to say next. He breathed in and closed his eyes. He had to get into it before he spoke. He licked his lips and opened his mouth.

"Don't even start, Cris. Don't do it. How can you say that I'm the one who's playing with your feelings when you're the indecisive one? I asked you so many times... what do you want.. tell me what you want... just.. please. Please. If you want something.. if you need something.. tell me!"

"I am not a mind reader. I do not know what it is that you want from me! So fucking tell me what you want from me!!"

Everyone was in shock. Lionel was not the type to curse. He was a quiet and shy kid so it was very surprising to hear him be so vocal.


Right after the word leaves his mouth, it is followed by cristiano's own mouth connecting with Lionel's. Lionel's eyes begin to close slowly as they pull each other in. The crowd begins to clap and stand up.

"That was great guys!! See.. that's what I like to see.. emotion.. love.. raw love and emotion.. amazing.." the teacher praises

Lionel's cheeks are flushed while Cristiano looks extremely happy. The smug look on his face makes Lionel feel shy and hide behind the much taller male. Cristiano turns around to look at Lionel and smiles down at him.

"Mine," he says softly against his lips."
All mine do you hear? Mine."

Lionel can only nod slightly before he is being attacked by Cristiano's lips once again. He doesn't care that there's people still watching them. He's glad that people are watching them. Especially that Brazilian with an accent so thick it makes cristiano want to bang his head against the wall and crack his skull open. Cristiano doesn't have a specific reason as to why he hates Neymar. Neymar simply stares at Lionel too much. And that's something that Cristiano hates.

"Okay guys.. show's over!!" The teacher teases.

"Can we go out for dinner? I'm hungry," cristiano asks smoothly

"Why do you say things so easily? It's so annoying," Lionel pouts

"You say things too you know?" Cristiano accuses

"Yeah but not like you!" Lionel groans

"So.. you can say whatever you want baby.. I'll listen."

"Why can't I be friends with Neymar?" Lionel
Asks quietly

"Leo.. he likes you!"

"You think everyone likes me!"

"Cause.. everyone does.. I can see it in their eyes.. especially in his. He can't! You're mine!"

"I am.. so don't worry.. no one will ever take me away from you. I will be yours forever."

"I love you.. the best thing that has ever happened to me is this dumb club.... this dumb club that brought me closer to the guy of my dreams. You are everything I have ever wanted."

"I wish you could put this much emotion on the play!" Lionel says

"Okay.. just ignore everything I just told you. That's cool..."

"Hush.. you're always playing with my emotions so don't complain when I don't listen to you and your sappy feelings."

"Ouch.. quit playing.."


"And give me some sugar," he says leaning down to kiss his boyfriend for the billionth time

Neymessi&CristessiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora