Back to school

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Summer ended far too soon guys :((

"Leo I don't want to hear you complain again," his mom says

Lionel and his parents recently moved and school is right around the corner. Well, right at his doorsteps because he starts tomorrow. He doesn't know anyone and he's awfully shy and quiet so he knows he won't be making any friends any time soon.

The next day comes by way too soon. He's already stressing out and he hasn't even left his house yet.

"You'll be fine," his mother smiles

Lionel sighs and gets out of the car. The ride to school is way too quick. It didn't give him time to prepare. His first class is English which makes him really happy. That's his favorite subject.

"Alright class let's settle down. Today is the first day and it's the first class. I know you're all tired and annoyed. I am too.. A few days ago I was in Cabo, having the time of my life with my husband and now I am here. I don't think anyone is more upset about school starting up again than me."

Lionel chuckled a little. He knew he was going to like this teacher. The rest of the day passed by quite uneventful. It was 6th period and it was his lunch time.

This is where his palms got sweaty. He went outside for lunch and continued reading a book he had just gotten.

"Hey there,"

He looks up and panics. The person was really close to him.

"I'm Neymar! You're new right?"


"Ah.. Yeah cause I didn't see you here last year. What's your name?"

"Leo," Lionel says quietly

"Cool. Mind if I sit with you?" Neymar Asks

"Go ahead," Lionel smiles

Neymar and Lionel quickly immediately. Neymar gets Lionel talking really quickly. It's as if Lionel had never been shy to begin with.

Soon the two become inseparable. Everyone knows about the duo.

"Cmon Leo.. You like football right? I'm on the team! We can make magic together!!" Neymar says with a bright smile

Lionel reluctantly agrees. He easily gets into the team. And it all starts there.

Lionel feels his world start to spin. He falls to the ground and feels his whole body shut down.

"Hey, hey! Are you okay? I'm sorry.. Hey.. Wake-"

"Leo!! Get off him!!" Neymar screams pushing everyone to the side

Lionel opens his eyes and gives him a small smile. Neymar sighs happily.

"Oh Leo, I'm so glad," Neymar says happily

"Hey I'm sorry dude," someone says

Lionel looks at the owner of the voice and feels his face start to heat up. He had never seen someone so handsome.

"You're a meany, Cris! You hurt my baby!" Neymar whines

"Stop whining.. He's fine anyway," Cris says

He stares and Lionel and Neymar for a little too long. He can't quite understand why seeing them so close bothers him so much.

"This was a bad idea ney," Leo says

"It's okay.. It was just a bad practice day," Neymar smiles warmly

"Ill just watch you. I'll go to all your games and cheer you on!" Lionel says

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